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Sardior the Ruby Dragon is the Prince of Gem+Dragons.

Sardior's realm is a huge floating castle which orbits the world in the Prime Material Plane and stays forever in the shadows from the sun. On the nights it can be seen, viewers mistake Sardior's lair for a small red moon.

Periodically, Saridor moves his fortress through the planes, visiting the Djinni Citadel+of+Ice+and+Steel and Jazirian's realm of Uroboros on its journeys.

Sardior keeps a court of 5 thanes. Their names are: Hrodel (a female crystal dragon); Tithonnas (male topaz dragon); Smargad (male emerald dragon), Charisma (female sapphire dragon); and Aleithilithos (male amethyst dragon).

Sardior is a lesser deity. His portfolio is neutral dragons, night, psionics, and secrets. All gemstone dragons honor Sardior, but being what they are his sovereignty does not much affect their daily lives of treasure-mongering. All are agreed. however, that Sardior is the most brilliant conversationalist and raconteur of all dragons.

Secrets of the Lamp
Dragon #37
Planes of Law
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