
ripvanwormer's picture

Rudd is a demigoddess of luck, skill, and chance native to Oerth. Said to be the daughter of Norebo, she was raised to divinity with the aid of Olidammara. She was imprisoned for a time in the dungeons beneath Castle Greyhawk by the mad wizard Zagyg.

She often dwells in Brightwater with Lliira, Sharess, Sune, and Tymora, though she has a Realm of her own - the House of Cards in Ysgard's first Layer.

Sources: Dragon magazine #265 - "The Oeridian Lesser Gods",, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Player's Guide to Greyhawk, The Temple of Elemental Evil, Warriors of Heaven, Dragon Magazine #342 - "Core Beliefs: Olidammara"

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