
Moog's picture

The Ring-Givers are a small but growing faction from Ysgard. Completely opposite in ideals from the Fated, the Ring-Givers believe that everything that is given up will come back to them. Thus, whoever can give up everything and convince the multiverse to do likewise will reap the greatest reward in true accordance of the Unity of Rings. To the Ring-Giver, possessions are a form of limitation, and freedom from desire equates to complete power over oneself and eventually the multiverse. Ring-Givers live only on the charity of others, and they thrive in doing so. In a place as cold and uncaring as the multiverse, that is an accomplishment indeed.

Philosophy: You only get as good as you give.
Nicknames: Bargainers, Beggars.
Headquarters: Palace of the Jester in Sigil.
Factol: Jeremo the Natterer (CN male human Ftr6/Rog12 Ring-Givers)
Alignment: Any, with chaotic and good tendencies.
Symbol: Outstretched hand with a ring in its palm

Source: PSCS Releases, Chapter 3

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