
taotad's picture

A pentadrone is a five-armed creature that resembles a starfish mounted on five thin, stiltlike legs. Though it cannot fly, it can levitate by means of its breath weapon. Pentadrones speak the Modron tongue, Celestial, and the Trade Tongue of the planes. They can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding temperature extremes from 210°F to –100°F without discomfort.

Pentadrones receive orders from the lowest of the hierarch modrons (decatons) and see that these instructions are implemented by the quadrones, policing them as necessary. As five-function beings, pentadrones can communicate, operate, monitor, plan, and manage. They can also react easily to unplanned situations. The highest of base modrons, pentadrones serve as the police force for the base population and as intermediaries between the base modrons and the godlike (in their view) decaton hierarchs. In the modron army, a dozen pentadrones are assigned to each regimental headquarters as an elite unit, while others actually command the regiment.

Modrons: The Complete and Unabridged Statistics
The Modrons - Web Enhancement by WotC (zip/pdf)
Planescape Campaign Setting

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