Nijul P'iuy

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Aasimar children normally have the good fortune of responsible parents, unlike the numerous tieflings who were orphaned or abandoned as children. The story of one particular aasimar, however, begins on a starry night on Elysium where she was abandoned by her parents at the step of an Agathinon monastery. No note was left with the child but the Aasimon never thought twice about taking in the half-mortal infant. They named her Nijul P’iuy after an ancient Elysian poet, hoping that she would grow into a brilliant artist like her namesake. As the child grew, she was taught the monastic practices of the ascetic celestials with varying success, though the agathina grew increasingly concerned about the impatience the young woman displayed. By the time she had reached adolescence, Nijul had grown frustrated with the stuffy atmosphere of the monastery and made plans to strike out on her own. The monks were saddened by their failure with the aasimar but let her leave, hopeful that their teachings would eventually take root.

The young Planeborn made her way to Sigil where she was immediately surrounded by a cacophony of impressions. Coming from the sheltered monastery, Nijul had the classic glazed luck of all Clueless and was immediately marked by an unscrupulous human cross-trader. She nearly followed him into a darkened alley, to fates uncomfortable to imagine, when a band of Mercykillers spotted the pair and quickly stepped in. The cross-trader was interrogated and then dragged off as one of the Red Death spoke quietly to the still dazed Nijul. So strong was the impression of this encounter that the very next day the aasimar presented herself at the Prison to sign up.

She was trained as a prison guard for several years, making an unusual sight marching through the Prison halls. Despite her beautiful aasimar features and graceful stance, she was a tough but fair Faction member and was eventually raised to Factotum and entered into justiciar training. From the first day of this training, Nijul P’iuy knew she had found her life’s calling. Her appearance made her especially suited to operate in the upper rungs of society unnoticed, apprehending Mercykiller targets who tried to hide behind wealth and influence.

After making a name for herself, Nijul became a well-respected justiciar and was raised to Factor just five years before the Faction War. When Factol Nilesia disappeared and the Mercykillers split, Nijul was a natural choice as the new factol. She was a respected and accomplished leader, commanding the loyalty of a large portion of the justiciars who survived the schism. The Sodkillers were eager to recruit these powerful agents to their faction and Nijul made it a special point to talk to as many justiciars as would meet with her. She firmly believes in the authority of justice, though not with the cruelty that Nilesia showed, and seeks to make the Sodkillers a respected faction. She is not sorry about the split, in fact she and Arwyl+Swan’s+Son frequently got into arguments and openly disliked each other even before the War, but she is conscious of the thuggish attitude of most Sodkillers. Force is by far the best tool for enforcing justice, a lesson she learned as a Prison guard, but her justiciar training has taught her that force is only useful when applied intelligently.

Nijul P’iuy can often be seen walking the corridors of Vorkehan, easily identified by her gleaming mithral shirt, flowing green hair, stylized signet ring, and her golden eagle companion Arkos whom she befriended while travelling as a justiciar. She wears her two magical longswords, Sear and Shard, crossed across her back, and a fine bur battered set of manacles (a gift from her old teacher) hangs jingling from her belt. Whenever she is as the fortress, Nijul tries to set aside at least a half hour to tour the Sodkiller barracks to talk to the faction’s rank and file, a gesture that ingratiates her greatly to the soldiers. Single-handedly she seems to be smoothing over many of the tensions that lasted from the faction’s reformation, and she no doubt has great plans for the Sodkillers’ future.

Source: Planewalker, PSCS releases Chapter 3

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