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Nereids are Elemental kin from the Plane+of+Water, sometimes called "honeyed ones." They are related to tritons and share a common ancestry with them. They're unpredictable and playful; half are chaotic neutral, and others tend toward chaotic good or chaotic evil. Using disguise, the more malevolent nereids lead sailors to their dooms, for their kisses are death.

In their natural form, nereids are sexless elemental creatures, appearing as froth and golden seaweed. Upon contact with air, they assume human form, usually as voluptuous young females with long, golden hair, pearly white skin, and sparkling green eyes. They can also take male form, but they are much less convincing in this role. A nereid in humanoid form always carries a white shawl, either in its hands or over head and shoulders, and is lightly clad in white and gold.

A nereid in any form can try to flow like water, avoiding attacks. They can command the curents and waves, and spit venom. The nereid's kiss usually causes her victim to drown - but if not, it causes ecstasy.

The nereid protects her shawl at all costs, for it contains the elemental spirit that animates her body; if it is destroyed, the nereid dissolves into formless water. Posession of a nereid's shawl thus gives a Cutter control over the creature. The cloud giant Dolomite uses this trick to control his harem of nereid prostitutes in the City of Glass.

Monstrous Manual (2nd edition)
Vortex of Madness
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