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Nalgs are Burzugdur from the planes of Gehenna, Carceri, and the Gray Waste, created from Larvae by Night Hags or Yugoloths. They are minor fiends that commonly serve as familiars to neutral evil spellcasters.

In its usual state, the nalg is a small hairy creature with clawed hands, froglike legs, and two-toed, webbed feet. It has a long, foxlike muzzle filled with razor-sharp teeth. Dirty pink skin surrounds its baleful yellow eyes. Elsewhere, its pink mottled hide is partially covered with sparse, coarse hair of a dull black or dirty white color. Unless it has gorged itself recently, the nalg looks somewhat like a skeleton.

Each nalg can take the forms of two of the following creatures: stirge, horsefly, poisonous snake, or weasel.

A related creature is the imp of ill-humor. Not true Imps, these creatures are actually nalgs from the planes of neutral evil. They include the so-called choleric imp, melancholic imp, phlegmatic imp, and sanguine imp.

Dragon #86
Dragon #338
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