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Mystra is the goddess of magic in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. She maintains the force of magic in Faerun.

Religious Matters

As a deity, Mystra is Neutral Good. Her symbol is red mist surrounded by seven-pointed stars, or just a seven-pointed star. She sponsers several religious orders, such the Knights of Mystic Fire, the Order of the Starry Quill, and the Order of the Shooting Star. She also has numerous Chosen who are more direct enforcers of her will (Including Elminster and the Seven Sisters).

Mystra's foes include Shar, whose Shadow Weave is a dark opposite to the natural Weave, and Cyric, who she knew as a mortal. She is served by the deities Savras and Azuth, who is served by Velsharoon.


Mystra is one of Faerun's primordial gods, having been formed by the warring energies of Shar and Selûne. Since then, she has served as the god of magic for human societies for ages. However, the current Mystra is really the third such. The original Mystryl was killed by the follies of the Nethrese mage Karsus, and the second was killed by Helm for defying the overpower Ao's will during the Time of Troubles. Since then, the current incarnation is a mage named Midnight, who ascended in the Avatar trilogy of books.

Mystra's Realm, Dweomerheart, can be found on the second Layer of Elysium, which is called Eronia. Dweomerheart is a beautiful city on a high plateau adorned with glamers and made of pure magical energy. The city resembles a university or school; Petitioners or planar visitors who long to plumb the secrets of magic can find no better place to do so.

Forgotten Realms Adventures
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
On Hallowed Ground
Warriors of Heaven
Player's Guide to Faerun
Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.