Manannan mac Lir

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The Celtic Power of the sea is a knowledgeable custodian of the oceans. Manannan mac Lir rides over the waves on his chariot, pulled by various creatures of the sea, admiring its beauty and governing its bountiful operation. To Manannan mac Lir, the oceans are a vast plain, the various fishes either cattle or sheep — in his other-world reality, he lives upon the “land” while others must use boats to visit it. He generally wears armor made of metal and sea shells and carries a giant sword, riding his chariot upon the waves.

Manannan mac Lir sends his avatars to roam the oceans on their chariots. He has great respect for those mortals who can master the seas, but has no pity for those who fail and drown within them.

He resides in Tir fo Thuinn in the Outlands. He is worshiped by some Marid under the name Manakharlar.

Legends & Lore
On Hallowed Ground
Secrets of the Lamp
Weapons of Legacy
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