
taotad's picture
Language Target Groups
Abyssal Tanar'ri, Abyss denizens
Aquan Water elementals, Water denizens
Archon Archons, Mt. Celestia denizens
Auran Air elementals, Air denizens
Bariaur Bariaurs, Ysgard denizens
Celestial Upper-planar creatures
Dao Dao, Earth elementals
Djinn Djinni, Air elementals
Draconic Dragons, Wizards, Lizardfolk
Efreeti Efreet, Fire elementals
Eladrin Eladrins, Dryads, Elves
Formian Formians, Arcadia denizens
Gehreleth Gehreleths, Carceri denizens
Githyanki Githyanki, Red Dragons
Githzerai Githzerai, Slaadi
Guardinal Guardinals, Elysium denizens
Halfling Halflings, Outlands denizens
Hellenic Greek Pantheon and his followers
Ignan Fire elementals
Infernal Baatezu
Koine Sophias Scholars, Sages, Very literate people
Marid Marid, Water elementals
Mephit Mephits, Elementals
Modron Modrons, Mechanus denizens
Nereid Nereids, Marids, Water elementals
Night Hag Hags, Yugoloths, Grey Waste denizens
Planar Trade Any
Slaad Slaadi, Githzerai
Sylph Sylphs, Djinni, Air elementals
Sylvan Dryads, Eladrins, Faeries, Druids
Terran Earth Elementals
Trade Tongue of Law Harmoniums, Arcadian denizens, lawful people
Tso Tso, Traders
Yugoloth Yugoloths, Fiends, Night Hags, Gehenna denizens

Source: Melroch's Place

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