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A cruel, flesh-eating race of monsters, lamias use deceit, speed, and spells to entrap their victims. Most worship Graz'zt.

  • Common lamias resemble beautiful women, but their centauroid lower bodies are those of beasts such as goats, lions, and deer. Common lamias are hermaphroditic, with both male and female genitalia - they can successfully mate with either male or female humans. They smell of perfume and flowers. Common lamias are born from the union of two lamia nobles, or from another common lamia and a humanoid.

  • Lamia nobles are similar to commoners, but the lower halves of their bodies are like those of giant serpents. They can assume human form and penetrate humanoid society to wreak evil. Unlike their common kin, they have differentiated sexes. They must mate with humans in order to reproduce their own kind. The union of a lamia noble with a Tanar'ri results in a Carnevus.

  • The union of two common lamias produces a bestial creature called a sa'ir. Sai'ir are purely animal, without the magic or charm of their relatives, and they are completely sterile. A sa’ir has the hindquarters of a goat and the foreparts of a lion, including a male lion’s mane. Its head is leonine with the addition of a goat’s horns and dangling beard. They are omnivorous predators, and are used as guard animals by their more intelligent kin.
It is thought that lamias might be related to chimeras.

Sources: Monstrous Manual (2nd edition), Monster Manual (3rd edition), d20 SRD, Dragon #192 - "The Ecology (Love Life) of the Lamia"; Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
ENWorld conversion of the lamia noble

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