
Iavas's picture

Kikanuti is the primary deity of the desert dwelling goblinoids called the bhuka. She is of lawful good Alignment and is associated with the bhuka, the earth, and the fertility thereof. Her allies include Haku, the desert deity of travel, while her greatest enemy is Maglubiyet, whom she sees as an unrightful enslaver of goblinoids. She can appear in any number of forms, particularly those of desert animals, but most often resembles a brightly attired female Bhuka with corn rows. Her symbol is a tall clay pot painted with a stylized bird and her realm is unknown.

According to bhuka legend, Kikanuti was their protector before the Emergence from the great cavern beneath the earth, which they consider to be her womb, and into the Upper World, her hearth upon which she warms and nurtures her children. Her priests are usually the elder females of each bhuka village, called Grandmothers, but she also supports druids and a the specialized lords of the tide.

Source : Sandstorm 3.5e

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