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Khurgorbaeyag the Overseer is a lesser goblin deity; where Maglubiyet is god of both goblins and hobgoblins, Khurgorbaeyag represents the goblin race specifically. His other areas of influence include slavery, oppression, and morale. He is also worshiped by jungle goblins, who call him Kuro, and in this aspect is an enemy of Thard Harr. His chief rival for power is Nomog-Geaya, god of hobgoblins. He has an alliance with Hruggek of the bugbears.

Khurgorbaeyag has flame-red skin, speckled with orange and red scales. His only weapon is a great whip with which he drives his followers to duty or to war.

The city of Shetring, Khurgorbaeyag's home, is the greatest settlement in the realm of Clangor in Acheron. The city sprawls on both sides of the great River Lorfang, with five strong buildings linking the two sides.

Sources: Dragon magazine #63 - "The Humanoids",, Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Planes of Law, Demihuman Deities (page 85)

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