Hound Archon

Shemeska the Marauder's picture

Hound Archons are the 2nd caste of Archons, appearing as dog headed, muscular humanoids, all being formed from promoted/advanced Lantern Archons. Hound Archons are mostly found on the 1st and 2nd layer of Mount Celestiawhich are traditionally their layers to watch over and defend. They tend to view Lantern+Archons (the default form of petitioners to Mount Celestia) as their wards, and watch over them like shepherds to sheep.

Hound Archons have various ranks within their caste, denoted by the color of metallic collar they wear. In order of lowest to highest, those are: Lead, tin, brass, bronze, silver, gold, and finally platinum. These colors of metal are not actual 'ranks' in the sense of a gold rank hound archon being able to command a lead rank hound archon, in fact all archons of the same caste have an equal level of influence. Rather, the ranks are there to remind each archon of their progress in acheiving higher and higher levels of spiritual fluency and connection to the ideals of Law and Good.

Once a Hound Archon has advanced beyond platinum it is promoted to a Warden Archon, assuming that new form and having its rank within that caste reduced to a rank of lead color.

Sources: 2e 'Planes of Law', 3e MM

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