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The son of Isis and Osiris, Horus was conceived following his father’s death at the hand of Set. Afraid that he would also be slain by Set, Isis saw to it that her son was raised in secrecy by a family in the swamps of the Nile Delta.

Horus took his place among the powers when he reached adulthood and challenged Set. As such, he is the Egytian+pantheon's power of vengence. Horus brought all his might to bear and battled his uncle to a standstill. In the end, the goddess Neith was called upon to settle their dispute. After consideration, she ruled in Horus’ favor (although Set was compensated to an extent).

In his true form, Horus appears as a hawk headed warrior of great physical power.

He resides in the Realm of Heliopolis with others of the Egyptian pantheon on Buxenus in Arcadia. His servants, the horusyr, carry out his will, appearing as manlike hawks to those who seek justice and vengeance.

Deities & Demigods (First Edition)
Dragon magazine #283
Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes
Legends & Lore (Second Edition)
On Hallowed Ground
Warriors of Heaven
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