Hidden Wood

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The Hidden Wood of Obad-Hai is the Realm of Obad-Hai, called the Shalm. It is a patchwork of thick woods and open glades and rolling fields. Explorers' notes place the Hidden Wood in several specific locations in the Outlands, often near the Gate-towns of Fortitude or Faunel. But it's rarely found at all except by travelers who become lost in the woods.

Obad-Hai's domain is nature in all its forms: wild and tamed, savage and domesticated. All four seasons exist simultaneously in balance within the Shalm's realm. In the space of a quarter-mile, snowfields give way to forests draped in fall color next to orchards heavy with fruit and newly plowed fields. Creatures encountered within the Hidden Wood tend to be axiomatic or anarchic, but include a large number of Prime Material Plane animals, beasts, and plants. These creatures are usually hostile to travelers, an attitude that Obad-Hai encourages.

The Shalm has changed the magic traits within his realm. Spells cast by druids here are enhanced, and all spells targeting animals or plants are heightened. He has the power to make other changes to the traits of his realm if he wishes.

Petitioners serving Obad-Hai appear human and have the abilities of typical Outlandish petitioners. In addition, they gain the ability to speak with animals and plants at will. Petitioners are often gardening, herding, hunting, pruning, planting, or harvesting. Great feasts are common within the Shalm's realm.

Obad-Hai has deep disagreements with Ehlonna, the Forest Goddess of the Beastlands, and the two are considered rivals. The Shalm believes in the primacy of natural selection and nature as an uncaring, non-judgmental reckoner of worth. Ehlonna leans more toward the peaceful aspect of nature.

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