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Hextor, god of war, discord, conflict, massacres, fitness, and tyranny, is half-brother to Heironeous and Stratis and son of Stern Alia. Jealous of his brother Heironeous's invulnerability, Hextor made a pact with the "Lords of Evil" for four extra arms, so that he could match Heironeous in combat. His alliance with the Lords of the Nine has granted him the title of Herald of Hell.

Although he visits Baator from time to time, Hextor's own stronghold is in Avalas in Acheron, a realm he calls Scourgehold. Scourgehold is a fortress of iron and stone on a cube where battle constantly rages; within, his troops constantly train for battle in a miles-wide coliseum of glass and bronze.

Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Dragon #285
Dragon #287
Bastion of Faith
Deities & Demigods
World of Greyhawk boxed set
Manual of the Planes
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