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Hermes is the Greek Power of travelers, merchants, thieves, gamblers, athletes, and eloquent speech. He also serves the gods as a messenger and an arbitrator of disputes. He executed his first robbery when he was only one day old, stealing a herd of cattle from Apollo. In his true form, Hermes is a handsome youth who carries a white caduceus (winged rod entwined by two serpents). He can move from place to place almost instantaneously. Hermes also wears a pair of winged sandals that allow him to fly and a helm that allows him to turn invisible at will.

Although an accomplished thief almost from the moment of his birth, Hermes has many other aspects as well. He has a keen sense of fairness that other gods often call upon in order to resolve disputes, and willingly uses his great speed to serve as a messenger to the gods (though he sends an avatar when dealing with humans or others on the Prime Material Plane). Omens from Hermes include an unusually good or bad run of luck or a sudden gust of wind as he or his avatar rushes past.

He resides in Olympus with the other Olympians.

Deities & Demigods
Dragon magazine #283
Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes
Legends & Lore
On Hallowed Ground
Warriors of Heaven
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