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As the wife of Zeus, Hera is not only the greek Power of marriage and women, but the queen of the heavens. Further, she has some minor control over the weather and fertility, though these are not central aspects of her character. Because of her jealous nature and the amorous exploits of her husband, she has developed the power to spy upon anybody in any place at will. In her true form, Hera is tall, noble, and beautiful woman, but, like Zeus, she can assume any form she wants.

Above all, Hera is a jealous wife. She spies upon her husband almost constantly, and makes a habit of looking in on any woman of great beauty. If her husband pays too much attention to another woman, she sends her avatar to kill, disfigure, or otherwise punish the woman. If a wife complains to Hera about an unfaithful husband, there is small chance that Hera will respond by making the luckless fellow so hideously ugly that no woman would want him.

Hera is also jealous in regards to her beauty; for if she was responsible for wiping out the Trojan race because one of its members, Paris, thought Aphrodite was more beautiful than she. Omens from Hera include visits from peacocks and other beautiful birds, a harsh voice audible only to one person, or a message carried by a married woman.

She resides with the rest of the Olympians in Olympus.

Source: Legends & Lore (2nd ed.)

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