Greyhawk Pantheon

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The Prime+Material world of Oerth has many hundreds of divinities; the following just includes the human deities known to the Flanaess, the eastern portion of the continent of Oerik. And maybe not all of those.

Oerth, unlike many spheres on the Prime, has no known Overpower watching over it. Its deities make pacts among themselves not to interfere too closely with the Material Plane, but there is nothing enforcing these pacts save their desire to avoid a godswar.

Common Powers
These deities are common in most parts of the Flanaess, irrespective of their ethnicity.

Allitur, LG lesser god of ethics, propriety.
Atroa, NG lesser goddess of spring, east wing, renewal.
Bahamut, LG lesser god of good dragons, enlightened justice, wisdom.
Beory, N greater goddess of Oerth, nature, elemental preservation, and rain.
Berei, NG lesser goddess of home, family, agriculture.
Bleredd, N lesser god of metal, mines, smiths.
Boccob, N greater god of magic, arcane knowledge, foresight, balance.
Bralm, N lesser god of insects, industriousness.
Celestian, N intermediate god of stars, space, wanderers.
Cyndor, LN greater/lesser god of time, infinity, continuity.
Ehlonna, NG intermediate goddess of forests, wildlife, fertility.
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter.
Fharlanghn, N intermediate god of horizons, distance, travel, roads.
Geshtai, N lesser goddess of lakes, rivers, well, streams.
Heironeous, LG intermediate god of chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring, valor.
Heward - NG demigod of bards, musicicans.
Hextor, LE intermediate god of war, discord, massacres, confict, firness, tyranny.
Incabulos, NE greater god of plagues, famine, nightmares, drought, disasters.
Iuz, CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil.
Joramy, N lesser goddess of fire, volcanoes, wrath, anger, quarrels.
Kelanen, N Hero-power of swords, sword skills, balance.
Keoghtom, NG Hero-power of secret pursuits, natural alchemy, extraplanar exploration.
Kuroth, CN Hero-power of theft, treasure-finding.
Lirr. CG lesser god of prose, poetry, literature, art.
Lydia, NG lesser god of music, knowledge, daylight.
Mayaheine, LG demigoddess of protection, justice, valor.
Murlynd, LG Hero-power of magical technology.
Myrhiss. NG lesser goddess of love, romance, beauty.
Nerull, NE greater god of death, darkness, murder, underworld.
Obad-Hai, N intermediate god of nature, woodland, freedom, hunting, beasts.
Olidammara, CN intermediate god of music, revels, wine, rogues, humor, tricks.
Pelor - NG greater god of sun, light, strength, healing.
Pholtus, LG intermediate god of light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moons.
Procan - CN intermediate god of seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, navigation.
Ralishaz - CN intermediate god of chance, ill luck, misfortune, insanity.
Rao, LG greater god of peace, reason, serenity.
Rudd, CN demigoddess of chance, good luck, skill.
CG lesser goddess of summer, south wind, ease, comfort.
St. Bane the Scourger, NG Hero-power of those who hunt undead.
St. Benedor of the Ashen Hand, NG demigod of valor, self-sacrifice, underdogs, and perseverance.
St. Ceril the Relentless, LN Quasi-deity of order, law, and opposition to chaos.
St.+Cuthbert+of+the+Cudgel, LG (LN) intermediate god of common sense, wisdom, zeal, honesty,
truth, discipline.
St. Eleador the Survivor, NG quasideity of precognition.
St. Kargoth the Betrayer, CE quasideity of death knights.
Telchur, CN lesser god of winter, cold, north wind.
Tharizdun, NE intermediate god of eternal darkness, decay, entropy, malign knowledge, insanity.
Tiamat, LE lesser goddess of evil dragons, greed.
Trithereon, CG intermediate god of individualism, liberty, retribution, self-defense.
Ulaa, LG intermediate goddess of hills, mountains, gemstones.
Vecna, NE lesser god of destructive and evil secrets.
Xan Yae, N lesser goddess of twilight, shadows, stealth, mental power.
Zagyg, CN demigod of humor, eccentricity, occult lore, unpredictability.
Zilchus, LN intermediate god of power, prestige, money, business, influence.
Zodal, NG lesser god of mercy, hope, benevolence.
Zuoken, N demigod of physical and mental mastery.

Powers of Unknown Origin

Tharizdun, NE intermediate god of eternal darkness, decay, elemental evil, entropy, malign knowledge, insanity.
[/b]Tsolorandril, LN Hero-power of wave motions. [/b]
Ulaa, LG intermediate goddess of hills, mountains, gemstones.
Wastri, LE demigod of amphibians, bigotry, self-deception.

Baklunish Powers

Al'Akbar, LG demigod of guardianship, faithfulness, dignity, duty.
Al'Asran (Pelor), NG greater god of sun, light, strength, healing.
Al'Zarad (Boccob), N greater god of magic, arcane knowledge, foresight, balance.
Azor'alq, NG hero-power of light, purity, courage, strength.
Daoud, N hero-power of humility, clarity, immediacy.
Geshtai, N lesser goddess of lakes, rivers, well, streams.
Istus, N greater goddess of fate, destiny, divination, future, honesty.
Mouqol, N lesser god of trade, negotiation, ventures, appraisal, reciprocity.
Tharoth (Nerull) NE greater god of death, darkness, murder, underworld.
Xan Yae, N lesser goddess of twilight, shadows, stealth, mental power.
Zuoken, N demigod of physical and mental mastery.

Flannae Powers

, LG lesser god of ethics, propriety.
Beory, N greater goddess of nature, rain.
Berei, NG lesser goddess of home, family, agriculture.
Bleredd, N lesser god of metal, mines, smiths.
Earth+Dragon, LE demigod of weather, hidden treasures.
Iuz, CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil.
Krovis, N quasi-deity dedicated to preventing the Flanaess from being dominated by a single individual or state.
Kyuss, NE hero-power of creation and mastery of undead.
[/b]Myrhiss, NG lesser goddess of love, romance, beauty. [/b]Nerull, NE greater god of death, darkness, murder, underworld.
Obad-hai, N intermediate god of nature, woodland, freedom, hunting, beasts.
Pelor, NG greater god of sun, light, strength, healing.
Rao, LG greater god of peace, reason, serenity.
Vathris, LN hero-power of anguish, lost causes, revenge.
- NE lesser god of destructive and evil secrets.
Zodal, NG lesser god of mercy, hope, benevolence.

Oeridian Powers

Atroa, NG lesser goddess of spring, east wing, renewal.
[/b]Bleredd, N lesser god of metal, mines, smiths. [/b]
Celestian, N intermediate god of stars, space, wanderers.
Daern, LN hero-goddess of defense, fortifications.
Delleb, LG lesser god of reason, intellect, study.

Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness,
Fharlanghn, N intermediate god of horizons, distance, travel, roads.
Heironeous, LG intermediate god of chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring, valor.
Hextor, LE intermediate god of war, discord, massacres, confict, fitness, tyranny.
Johydee, NG hero-goddess of deception, espionage, protection.
Kurell, CN hero-god of jealousy, revenge, theft.
[/b]Lirr, CG lesser god of prose, poetry, literature, art. [/b]Merikka, LG demigoddess of farming, agriculture, home.
Pholtus, LG (LN) intermediate god of light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moons.
Procan, CN intermediate god of seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, navigation.
Rudd, CN demigoddess of chance, good luck, skill.

Sotillon, CG lesser goddess of summer, south wind, ease, comfort.
Stratis, LN demigod of war. (dead)
Stern+Alia, LN demigoddess of culture, law, motherhood.
Telchur, CN lesser god of winter, cold, north wind.
Velnius, N lesser god of sky, weather. Elysium/Eronia/wanders
Wenta, CG lesser goddess of autumn, west wind, harvest, brewing.
Zilchus, LN intermediate god of power, prestige, money, business, influence.

[/b][/b]Suloise Powers

, CE lesser goddess of malice, caves, pits.
Bralm, N lesser god of insects, industriousness.
Dalt, CG lesser god of portals, doors, enclosures, locks, keys.
Fortubo, LG lesser god of stone, metals, mountains, guardianship.
Jascar, LG lesser god of hills, mountains.
Kord, CG intermediate god of athletics, sports, brawling, strength, courage.
Lendor, LN intermediate god of time, tedium, patience, study.
Llerg, CN lesser god of beasts, strength.
Lydia, NG lesser god of music, knowledge, daylight.
Norebo, CN lesser god of luck, gambling, risks.
Osprem, LN lesser goddess of sea voyages, ships, sailors.
Phaulkon, CG lesser god of air, wind, clouds, birds, archery.
Phyton, CG lesser god of nature, beauty, farming.
Pyremius, NE lesser god of fire, poison, murder.
Ranet, goddess of fire (dead)

Syrul, NE lesser goddess of lies, deceit, treachery, false promises
Vatun, CN lesser god of barbarians, cold, winter, arctic beasts.
Wee+Jas, LN intermediate goddess of magic, death, vanity, law.
Xerbo, N lesser god of seas, sailing, money, business.


World of Greyhawk campaign setting
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
The Scarlet Brotherhood
Dragon Magazine #79, "Setting Saintly Standards."
Dragon Magazine #167, "Visit the Pomarj... and die!"
Dragon Magazine #290, "The Death Knights of Oerth."
Dragon Magazine #291, "Demogorgon's Champions."
Dragon Magazine #306, "Paladins of Greyhawk."
Dragon Magazine #338, "Core Beliefs: Boccob."


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