The Great Mother is the creator and primary racial deity of Beholders and various races of Beholder-kin. The Power inhabits the 6th layer of the Abyss, in the domain known as the Realm of a Million Eyes spontaneously belching forth new spawn and devouring them just as quickly.
Unlike her primarily LE children, the Great Mother is CE and quite insane. Her mindset is incredibly alien, and few of her children are able to contemplate her thoughts or understand her actions, assuming they survive an encounter with her.
Of her spawn, Gzemnid, also a deity, is perhaps the only one relatively safe from her mercurial whims when in her presence. Gzemnid, while he cannot entirely comprehend his mother either, he does seek to understand at least some of the wisdom produced by her insanity, and he greatly admires her, as much as any deity can another.
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