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The gingwatzim are beings of raw life force from the Ethereal Plane. There are six different species of varying powers, but all resemble glowing spheres of swirling, sparkling gases. They can also be bound inside living creatures or inanimate objects. On their home plane, the more powerful types prey on the less powerful ones.

  • Tim are blue, glowing spheres about two feet in diameter. Their bound animate forms are limited to such things as frogs, spiders, fish, insects, or monstrous plants. They are usually bound to entryways or the simplest magic items. Tim are mindless.
  • Pakim are green spheres, about four feet across. They can be bound into +1 weapons or the equivalent, and small mammals or birds. They understand only simple commands and phrases.
  • Graegzim are glowing gray spheres six feet in diameter. They can be bound inside small fey creatures and +1 magic items. They can reason, but only in a simple fashion. They have poor memories and tend to whine and complain a lot.

  • Eoluzim are glowing violet spheres about eight feet in diameter. They are commonly bound inside goblins, orcs, kobolds and the l ike, or in +2 weapons or their equivalent. Eoluzim are bloodthirsty and try to goad their masters into bloodshed as well.
  • Maronzim, glowing yellow spheres about ten feet in diameter, are equivalent to humans, and tend to be bound inside humans, elves, and the like or in +2 weapons, staves, and wands. They have excellent memories and innate illusion powers; they are subtle creatures, tending toward treachery.
  • Naranzim, red-orange spheres some fifteen feet across or more, are almost impossible to control. They can possess any large, intelligent creature or be bound into magical items at least +3 in power or the equivalent. They have tremendous powers of illusion and work to destroy those who would enslave them.

Greyhawk Ruins
A Guide to the Ethereal Plane
Dragon Magazine #295

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