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Gerda, lesser goddess of agriculture and beauty in the Norse Pantheon, is the wife of Frey. She is neutral good.

Gerda manifests as a beautiful woman with an intense, dazzling aura and a voice of inhuman persuasiveness. She is actually a giant by birth, a daughter of Angur-boda, making her the sister of Fenris Wolf, the Midgard+Serpent, and Hel. Frey's Proxy Skirnir managed to convince her to meet her future husband (he has a magical calming aura), and Frey's love cured her of her evil, melting her icy giant's heart.

Farmers who worship Gerda donate a portion of the harvest to her temple, which stores grain in case of famine.

Source: Dragon magazine #110 - "For Better or Norse: I"

Skirnir's aura is mentioned in On Hallowed Ground, page 143

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