Garl Glittergold

ripvanwormer's picture

Garl Glittergold is, for the vast majority of the Multiverse, heralded as the creator Power of gnomes and the head of the Gnomish Pantheon (one exception being the gnomes of Krynn). He is a good-hearted trickster and a master of illusions. His Realm, Glitterhome, lies in the Golden Hills in Bytopia. He has earned the emnity of Kurtulmak, the god of kobolds, for a prank he played on him long ago.

Races of Stone
Monster Mythology
Demihuman Deities
On Hallowed Ground
Planes of Conflict
Dragon #291
Faiths & Pantheons
Deities & Demigods
The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings
Top Ballista
Hollow World boxed set
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