Gaping Maw

Schneelocke's picture

Gaping Maw (also called the Maw of Demogorgon) is the realm of Demogorgon, Prince of Demons. It is also called "Brine Flats." It is reckoned as the 88th Layer of the Abyss by the Fraternity of Order.

Gaping Maw is a dark, cold oceanic layer, interrupted by small, rocky isles. The River Styx flows into it.

Abysm[/b] is Demogorgon's double-towered palace, which pokes its two skull-tipped minarets out from the briny waters.


Planes of Chaos
Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (TSR 2602)
Manual of the Planes (D&D 3.0)

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