Gaerdal Ironhand

ripvanwormer's picture

Gaerdal Ironhand is the stern gnomish Power of protection and vigilance. His sterness is a bit of a joke amongst the Gnomish Pantheon, a group of tricksters and jokesters, but they know he chuckles to himself, if only in private. He is distrustful of both Baervan Wildwanderer and Baravar Cloakshadow, whom he feels are deceitful and somewhat dishonorable. His only concern is the wellfare of the gnomes of the Multiverse. He resides in his Realm of Stronghaven amongst the Golden Hills of Bytopia.

Source: Demihuman Deities, Faiths and Pantheons,, Living Greyhawk Journal no. 3 - "Gods of Oerth", Monster Mythology, On Hallowed Ground, Warriors of Heaven

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