Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment

kwint's picture

The Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment sits on its own cog, and its spires and towers rise high into the void of Mechanus. The fortress is two miles in diameter, and some of its spires reach twice that height. Inevitables enforcing the “don't trespass” law patrol the parapets, keeping a vigilant eye out for fiendish infiltrators or colonizing formians. The Fraternity of Order are the masters of the Fortress, which, following the Faction War, has become their headquarters. The Guvners believe that if they can but tease forth every law of the cosmos, they will have the might of the powers. To that end, they built this stronghold on the plane of ultimate law. A horde of clerks, functionaries, legal aides, translators, mathematicians, philosophers, and bureaucrats staff the Fortress. Most belong to the Fraternity of Order, though sometimes visitors are granted access to study at the vaunted libraries of the Fortress. The libraries extend through hundreds of rooms and hold tomes of legal volumes from all over the Great Wheel. Source: Planes of Law

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