Ethereal Plane

ripvanwormer's picture

The Ethereal Plane, or the waveless sea as it is also known, is an infinite expanse of colored mists. These mists are the stuff of raw potential, and slight movement is enough to compress them into ephemeral proto-matter. Over a great length of time, enough of this proto-matter may collect to form into a Demiplane.

The Waveless Sea touches all of the Inner Planes and the Prime+Material. All demiplanes exist within it. The region of dreams also winds through the ethereal mists in the form of shimmering curtains of color.

The Ethereal Plane has two parts: the Deep Ethereal, which is like a deep sea, and the Border Ethereal, which is like the shore. Those walking in the Border actually exist in the Ethereal Plane and the Prime+Material at the same time. Between the two parts is the Curtain of Vaporous Color.

Inhabitants of the Ethereal include Nathri, Xill, Magran, Terithran, Tween, and Gingwatzim.


A Guide to the Ethereal Plane

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