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Equars are horselike creatures native to the Outer Planes. After representatives of the nine alignments fought over a single perfect foal, the powers of neutrality compromised by splitting the foal into nine seperate beings. Thus, the nine breeds of equars were born.

  • Trothspyres are lawful good creatures that look like unicorns with crystal hooves. They feed on sunlight and grain. They only exist during the day.

  • Gildmanes are tailess, chestnut steeds with hooves of gold. Gildmanes are neutral good. The feed on worked gold. Evil creatures are compelled to attack them.

  • Favonians are pale, bluish-white horses associated with chaotic good. They feed on ancient sagas and rain. They never attack bards or entertainers.

  • Lithicthil appear to be made of living stone. They feed on enchanted stone, wood, metal, and clay. Wild or random magic hurts them.

  • Menthrics, equars from the Outlands, are horses with human shadows; when viewed with True Seeing or out of the corner of the eye, they are plain-faced humans dressed in nondescript clothing. They feed on enchanted script. Lawful or chaotic magic can banish them back to their home plane.

  • Potherrounces, equars of chaotic neutral, constantly change shape and color, though they remain roughly horselike. They feed on randomly mixed magical potions. Magic that restricts their freedom hurts them.

  • Banecoursers, lawful evil mounts, are deep black, stained with rust and virdigris, with snakelike tongues. They feed on poisons of all types. They cannot cross silver.

  • Rosinantes, neutral evil, are hairless horses with ratlike tails. They are fed on rotten meat and tainted water. Healing magic burns them.

  • Charnalbalks, chaotic evil, are unkempt black horses with iron hooves and iron masks, with sharp teeth and tusks. They feed on warm flesh and blood of the same race as their riders. They only exist at night.

Dragon #243
Warriors of Heaven

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