Dead gods

Burning Spear's picture

Abrogard - The prime evil of Guldor; killed by Lolth

Amaunator - died of neglect; supposedly reborn as Lathander, there is many a theological debate about this, and no-one is yet sure about this claim

Andurias - nobility and war

Aoskar - god of portals, killed by the Lady of Pain

Apsu - First consort of Tiamat; killed by Ea.

Artha - Takhisis' daughter, slain by Takhisis

Astaroth - Abyssal lord killed by Gargauth

Azrai - dead god of evil

Badir - god of wind and rain, his worshippers slaughtered by Nolites

Basaia - reason

Beherit - Lord of the Sixth killed by the Lord of the Ninth. AKA Lucifer.

Bhaal - killed by Cyric

Borem of the Lake of Boiling Mud: Former god of anger

Brenna - commerce and fortune

Bright Nydra - portfolio claimed by Selune

Bwimb - Baron of Ooze killed by Tenebrous; replaced by his daughter

Camaxtli - Aztec god of fate. Killed by Tenebrous.

Dark God - a body in the Astral, dying, insensate, reborn at the end of all things. An aspect of Tharizdun.

Enki - Sumerian god killed by Anshar and Nergal of the Babylonians

Eshowdow: Former god of Chult. Slain by Shar.

Gilgeam - killed by Tiamat.

Ibrandul - killed and subsumed by Shar

Iyachtu Xvim - killed during the resurrection of Bane

Ka’jik’zxi - neogi god of creation

Kalzareinad - Evil dragon god of magic, portfolio inherited by Kereska.

Karsus - Attempted to absorb the divinity of Mystryl, but could not
handle it. Considered dead but still exists as a bleeding stone statue,
red stone butte, and heart.

Kecuala, the original mate of the lizardfolk deity Semuyana, who split
in half due to terminal overthinking (resulting in the modern
lizardfolk race, with its two distinct genders). Besides being a good
parable for the Transcendent League, Kecuala should count as a dead
god. Kecuala was detailed in Dragon #335.

Khin - Hypothetical name for titanic god whose spine became a yugoloth tower

Kiga - forgotten goddess of wereleopards

Kiputtyo - Finnish goddess killed by Talona

Kukul - Maztican god of creation, slain by Zaltec

Leira - Killed and subsumed by Cyric

Maanzecorian - killed by Tenebrous

Malyk - dead goddess of wild magic and rebellion

Masela - the sea

Migal - Mentor of the Gods, left behind winged assassins

Moander - killed by Finder

Murdane - god of reason, killed in the Dawn Cataclysm

Myrkhul - survives (in some sense) as the Crown of Horns

Mystra I - Killed by Helm. Replaced by Mystra II

Mystryl - destroyed by Karsus

One in the Void - 6-armed goddess upon which Tu'nar'ith is built; former patron of the gith forerunners? killed by Maanzecorian?

Othea - Wife of Annam, poisoned by overzealous son (the progenitor of titans).

Phoenix - god of planewalking, killed by jealous rivals

Primus - killed by Tenebrous. Replaced by a secundus. Probably killed on previous occasions with same result.

Raggara - winged crocodile-headed river goddess

Ranet - Suel goddess of fire, slain by Pyremius.

Re - killed by Gruumsh; portfolio claimed by Horus

Reynir - nature

Shajar - Raggara's hippo-headed mate

Siamorphe - There are many dead gods and goddesses named Siamorphe.

Siemath - killed by assassins of Migal

Sons of Maglubiyet - Two intermediate deities, killed by Maglubiyet

Sscharstrune - naga god of evil, killed by Shekinester

Ss'thansine'ss - serpent deity killed by Talona

Stratis - lost brother of Hextor and Heironeous, apparently killed by mortals

Takhisis - stripped of her divinity and killed by a mortal

Tchazzar - Untheric demigod of war, slain by Tiamat. Resurrected by Tiamat; currently her proxy.

Threphocris - Planar Handbook, page 165. God of crystals and positive energy?

Tomeri - goddess of love and wisdom killed by Tenebrous

Tyche - broken into two halves (left no corpse)

Uranus - killed by Cronus, corpse buried in Carceri

Valigan Thirdborn: Former god of anarchy. Slain by Tyr.

Varae - destroyed by Merrshaulk

Vorel - First child of Io, killed by Tiamat in an attempt to frame Bahamut.

Vorynn - magic and arcane secrets

World Serpent: Former god of scalykind. Fragmented into the deities of the lizarfolk, naga, and yuan-ti.

Xolotl - slain by Quetzalcoatl

Ymir - killed by Odin, Vili, and Ve

Zandilar the Dancer - Yuir elven god, absorbed by Sharess

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