Crumbling Citadel

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This stronghold was built by the Doomguard to serve as the Faction's outpost on the Quasielemental+Plane+of+Ash after Vecna took Citadel Cavitius from them. It is built as close as possible to the plane's border with the Negative+Energy+Plane in a region called the Empty Winter. The fortress appears to be a single, monumental, stepped pyramid that looms 24 stories in height into the drifting clouds of ash flakes and numbing cold of the region.

The Crumbling Citadel is literally that – the structure is constantly breaking apart and falling down. This leads to the rather ironic situation that the most dangerous part of living in Ash comes from the building itself rather than the plane. The factioneers who are stationed here never know when a piece of the ceiling is going to come down on their heads, or a part of the floor is going to give way underneath them. But, being Doomguard, these cutters aren't bothered one bit by it.

The Crumbling Citadel is the headquarters of those Doomguard (currently led by Spragg) who believe that entropy is happening a bit too fast, and the crumbling nature of their home allows them to put their philosophy into practice by continually patching it up. This group, the so-called "Ashers," are the fastest growing splinter group of the Doomguard. Believing wholeheartedly that the multiverse has its own path to destruction, they think it is wrong to accelerate its end, and perhaps cause unnecessary harm to the planes. Furthermore, if their faction falls apart, who’s going to help entropy along when it does need help?

As one of the Doomguard's primary bases, the Crumbling Citadel is ruled by one of the faction's Doomlords, a reclusive half-elf called Devland. After an assault by Ely Cromlich left it mostly destroyed, Spragg, Devland, and the other "Ashers" retreated to Citadel Cavitius.

The Inner Planes
The Factol's Manifesto
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