Court of Ice and Steel

ripvanwormer's picture

The Court of Ice and Steel is the capital of the Djinn on the Elemental+Plane of Air. It's an aerodynamic, oval-shaped vessal crafted of ice and metal, and it serves as both a military citadeel and as the palace of the Great Caliph of the Djinn, who can control its movement through the plane.

The Court is orbited by a number of spheres and stones, the freeholds of visiting djinn or the members of the Caliph's court. Sardior, king of the gemstone dragons, brings his flying castle to the Court from time to time.

According to djinni history, the Court of Ice and Steel was not created by the djinn themselves: their first Caliph stole it from an evil Archomental.


Secrets of the Lamp

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