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Carceri is one of the Lower Planes, conceptually placed between the Gray Waste and the Abyss, representing pure evil with undertones of chaos.Carceri is also known as the Red Prison, where its petitioners and denizens are held captive not by law, or outside influences, but by their own treachery, their own inability to trust, and their own disloyalty.Carceri is one of the Lower Planes, conceptually placed between the Gray Waste and the Abyss, representing pure evil with undertones of chaos.

Carceri is also known as the Red Prison, where its petitioners and denizens are held captive not by law, or outside influences, but by their own treachery, their own inability to trust, and their own disloyalty.

Carceri is separated into 6 distinct layers, each nestled 'within' one another like a series of shells or matroyshka dolls. Each layer itself takes the shape of orbs or planets floating in an infinite black void, with crimson light shed by the ground, with additional orbs stretching out infinitely like a string of pearls. Each layer of the plane, going 'down', has progressively less light shed from the orbs, and smaller orbs seperated by greater and greater distances, till ultimately the lowest layer is a single frozen orb in an empty void.

Layers in order of outermost to innermost:

Othrys - A war ravaged landscape of swamps and stagnant rivers crossed only by spotted ranges of mountains. The exiled greek Titans are this layers most notable inhabitants, eternally bitter at their deific children.

Cathrys - 'The Crimson Jungle', a layer of thick jungles and open plains of razored grass.

Minethys - A parched layer of crimson glowing sand and biting, dessicating sandstorms.

Colothys - A layer of jagged, unforgiving mountains and sudden chasms with little flat ground to find refuge.

Porphatys - A cold layer dominated by a shallow, acidic ocean, cut only by sand bars and drifts of semi-solid acid snow.

Agathys - A single orb of black ice alone in the void, nearly lightless, with the only sounds being the shifting and breaking of ice and the slow, crushing agony of petitioners frozen into it. Somewhere in the depths of the ice, Apomps the Triple Aspected, deity and creator of the Gehreleths (Demodands), keeps his deific domain.

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