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Ashardalon was a red dragon of legendary might. Once he was worshiped as a god, with a temple in his honor in a stone tower called Nightfang Spire. A battle with him devastated part of the Prime+Material near the town of Oakhurst, creating the barren Ashen Plain where part of a forest once stood before being driven to the Abyss by a druid named Dydd, his heart torn from his body. In the Abyss, Ashardalon made himself a new heart from a Balor, Ammet. He still has mortal cultists who bind fiendish spirits to their hearts in emulation of their patron. As his new heart failed, he traveled to the Positive+Energy+Plane to feed on the raw stuff of spirit.

Imperagon, a half-red dragon duergar, claims to be one of his descendants.


The Sunless Citadel
The Standing Stone
Lord of the Iron Fortress
Heart of Nightfang Spire
Bastion of Broken Souls

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