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Ares is the greek Power of battle, killing, and fighting. As the personification of the savage side of war, he is fond of strife, anger, and unrestrained bloodletting. As such, he is not a very popular god, and is only worshipped (at least by a large number of people) in cultures dedicated to on-going warfare and battle. He has the power to inspire terror, hatred, and fear in the heart of any intelligent being.

Although he can change shapes at will, in his true form Ares is a large man with burning, hateful eyes and a permanent scowl etched across his mouth.

Ares is obstinate, hateful, quarrelsome, wicked, untrustworthy, jealous of his fellow gods, and easily offended. Because he has so few worshipers, Ares is always looking for more. If called upon in battle, there is a small per level chance that he will send his avatar to aid the beseecher. His help does not come without a price, however. After the battle, the individual that asked for help must become a worshiper of Ares — or face the avatar himself. Transgressions against Ares are generally punished by swift death.

He resides in Olympus with the rest of the Greek Pantheon.

Source: Legends & Lore (2nd ed.)

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