
taotad's picture

Ahh, the afterlife. It seems to mean that there is something after life, and that doesn't go well with a group like the Dustmen. The Dark of the thing is that the Outer Planes seems to be where many souls end up in their afterlife.
Souls seems to go though conduits found on their prime+worlds when they die, and find a new existence on the other side. This other side is either in a Realm where your Power existed or simply the realm where you really belong is.

What seems to happen however is that you travel to an Outer Plane and become a Petitioner. Petitioners are probably what you really, really aspired to be in your prime life. Its a sort of destilled version of your personality without any memory of your previous life. But that isn't always right. Sometimes you get tortured by a Kocrachon in Baator for the rest of your afterlife, and that sure isn't something you really wanted out of your prime life.

What is certain however is that their is an afterlife. You die, and go somewhere else afterwards. Simple really.

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