
Medium Outsider
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Initiative: 0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14(0 Size, +4 natural) touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6
Attack: Punch +6 melee (1d3+2)
Full Attack: Punch +6 melee (1d3+2) or small weapon
Space/Reach: 5ft / 5ft
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Dabus Hover, Dabus Skill Switching, Immunity to Sigil Hazards, Comprehend Languages, Rebus Language
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +8
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 10
Skills: Craft (any) +25, Disable Device +9, Gather Information +5, Knowledge (any) +25, Listen +11, Open Locks +7, Search +10, Spot +12
Feats: Alertness, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Environment: Sigil
Organization: Solitary, Cell (2d6)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: True Neutral
Advancement: None (By Character Class in rare cases)
Level Adjustment: +5

“Baator-O, Pee r man r II sounds like kicks y with an oar w in a circle? Huh?” – A berk trying to understand the Dabus at his door.

Floating a few inches from the ground, this creature appears tall and slender, with drab grey skin, a shock of white hair, four horns, and a drawn, expressionless face. The creature is dressed in very fine robes of varied colours, with intricate designs on the sleeves and shoulders. The robes cover whatever tools and equipment that the creature may posses.

Nobody knows when the Dabus came to Sigil, or if Sigil came to the Dabus. It is not known if the Dabus created Sigil for they’re needs, or Sigil created them for it’s… And as to the relationship between the Dabus and the Lady of Pain… Well, there’s another dark to have light shed upon.

Every inch of the city of Sigil is known to the Dabus, as they are the ultimate custodians of the Cage. If a drain overflows, a Dabus will show up sooner, but probably later. If an alley becomes overgrown with razorvine, and if the Lady wills it to be cleared, the Dabus will do her biding. Of course, clueless is clueless when it comes to that. If a berk ever wants to skeg a view of one of the Cage Slims (as Dabus are sometimes called), all the berk should do is to break something that’ll need fixin’. It’s the Dabus that keeps ol’ Sigil humming along like a bunch o’ old cogs on the Mech!

Although Dabus do have mouths, no one knows what they use them for. Dabus do not eat and they do not speak as such. While Dabus understand all languages, the only “speak” one. This is the symbolic rebus language that rises from their horns, hangs in the air a few seconds, and then twists and curls like smoke up into the breeze as it fades from site. The rebus is created by powerful illusions of an unknown source… No Dabus has ever been known to make a noise, not even when in pain or the throws of death. In fact, one greybeard named Tilas Gambo, claims that the last thing a Dabus “says” as it dies is an Ace of Spades. But then again, most other greybeards think that Gambo is half barmy, and anyone who kills a Dabus is mazed before they can light up the dark of it to anyone else!


Destruction of any sort is as alien to a Dabus as a Dabus is to a clueless prime.  Dabus will avoid combat where possible, but if needed, will defend themselves and each other.  Dabus will usually fight with what ever tools they have at hand such as small axes, hammers, and knives.  Occasionally when they venture into dangerous area of the Cage, they will carry swords with them. 

Dabus float a few inches from the ground with no effort at all.  They do not appear to have any feet, as their robes are full length.

Dabus Hover (Su):  Dabus can hover a few inches above any surface (solid or liquid).  While they can support any weight (within their lifting capacity due to Str.) using this ability, it does not allow them to fly or levitate.  This ability is constantly active.

Dabus Skill Switching (Su): Once each day, a Dabus can select one craft and one knowledge skill, and gain +25 ranks in that craft or knowledge.  During the Dabus’ rest cycle, it loses these ranks, but can reassign them after the rest cycle is complete.

Immunity to Sigil Hazards (Su):  Dabus are immune to all forms of Sigil related hazards, such as razorvine, ooze puddles, Aoskian hound bark, and perhaps even the Lady’s mazes?  All other hazards that are specific to Sigil, Dabus are automatically immune to.  However, hazards that are brought into or are not considered native of Sigil have full effect on Dabus.

Comprehend Languages (Su):  As the spell.  Always active.

Rebus Language (Su):  Dabus ‘speak’ using a rebus language of images that appear over their heads.  The rebus will appear in whichever style is appropriate to the viewer.  For example, an elf would see elfin rebus characters, while a dwarf would see dwarven ones.


The one and only home in the multiverse for the Dabus is Sigil.  Their actually kips are in deep substructures, far below the city streets, but only a few cutters have ever seen them.  Dabus always try to throw off any berk who attempts to follow them to their crowded workshops, and cramped resting quarters. 

If the greybeards have read the rebus correctly, Dabus appear to be organized into cells of 2 to 6 creatures.  Although each cell has a duty to perform in the city, the locations of the activity and the skills required to perform it vary from day to day.  From fixing a pane of glass in the Lady’s Ward one day, to cleaning up a pile of soot near the Great Foundry the next, Dabus are never idle while above ground. 

All Dabus are the same sex, whatever that might be.  There is no place for romance in Dabus society.  No young have ever been reported.  However, if a member of a cell is lost through accident or some misdeed, the next day a new Dabus will replace the old.  No one is quite sure how this happens.  The scuttle is that they form solid, permanent illusions based on some combined rebus…  Who knows!


The fate of Sigil and the Dabus are bound together.  One would not exist without the other, and neither would survive if the other disappeared.  Greybeards have speculated that Dabus are in fact part of the city…  Others suspect that Dabus built the city as a means of finding a permanent home.  Whatever it is, Dabus keep the city functioning no matter what calamities might befall the Cage.


Based on Planescape Boxed Set Monstrous Supplement (page 10).  Authored by David Haslam.  Edited by -.  Artwork by Boris Radujko and Sergio Rodriguez.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
On Layout

The layout is a little to blocky. The pictures should look more "integrated" into the whole like in the Cutters sections.

Just my 2 stingers

Blitz's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
In response

I agree Primus... I'm trying to get the editing in this section to work as it does else where...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Edit Layout


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