Comics to PS #2: Superman Beyond

sciborg2's picture

I recommend Superman Beyond to any PSer for its creativity. It was pretty cool and I haven't even put on my 3-d glasses. Superman has to go to the ends of comic book reality to save his wife, along with varied versions of himself from parallel realities.

There is something really cool about the water surrounding universes is hyper-dimensional menstrual fluid. Where perfect enlightenment is granted to the universe/fetus in prebirth, because it has yet to emerge from the reality it dominates - the womb.

and hell, to depict even a metaphorical vagina in a comic available to the kiddies is an accomplishment in itself. an opening perceived as wound in the perfect enlightment and then you are shunted out of Plato's cave. just like Rudra, the darkness of the gods created to punish their Father, firing an arrow forever wounds, the weapon that is Time and Entropy. Hmmmm...Perhaps that will connect to Mandrakk the evil Monitor in part 2, who is an evil for whom massive world destroying robots are but nanotech...

"for one terrible moment it seems as though lois has stopped breathing.

but it's time.

time has stopped.

caught on a ragged inbreath, her life has hit pause.

outside...400 million raindrops hang in perfect suspension. each reflecting the other, and the city and everything beyond.

the whole perfect structure of existence is ringing like a wine glass.


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