The steam revolution - faction response

Bob the Efreet's picture

Athar The lost enjoy steam technology as a bold statement of mortal dominance over the natural world without recourse to deific power or worship. In that way it's very similar to arcane magic. The difference to the lost is that steamworks can be used by anybody, much like the simple, non-demanding nature of their belief. The Athar have recently styled themselves champions of the common man, bringing truth and prosperity to those forgotten or stepped on by society.

Doomguard Sinkers are still divided on whether entropy is proceeding too fast, too slow, or just right. These three subfactions have naturally differing views on steam technology. Some feel that steamworks are building up more order than people have any right to do. Some feel that the destruction and pollution that come from making steamworks feeds entropy more than it is hindered. Some feel that taking extra disorder in the multiverse and putting it into the order of machinery keeps things on schedule. In any case, sinker technologists rarely repair their machines, instead allowing entropy to take its course naturally. Dustmen The dead don't have much more to say about steam technology than they do about arcane magic or the weather. It's all trappings of a false existence. However, Dustmen have pioneered a new field called "necrotechnology", which uses engineering arts to animate the dead rather than spellcraft. Harmonium Hardheads view steam technology as a natural progression of ordered life. A steam machine is the model for an ideal society - all the pieces follow the proper role to create a single, harmonious whole. When one piece acts contrary to its role, the whole machine stops working. Hardhead technologists use Harmonium-approved designs which are incompatible with other styles of steamwork.

Mind's Eye Seekers have an unusual outlook on steam technology - machinery is merely an expression of the inner mind. This explains why steamworks crafted by different technologists look and function differently. A seeker technologist uses crafting of steamworks to further her understanding of herself and challenge her mind to reach higher levels of consciousness.

Ring-Givers Bargainers believe, as the anarchists do, that freedom of steam is an important concept. The bargainers, however, believe in it for its own sake - as a way of escaping reliance on material objects. They believe that if true freedom of steam was achieved the machinery would belong to nobody, so that everyone would be free of work and achieve freedom from materialism. Bargainer technologists tend to make small, useful machines that can be given away and used easily by anybody.

Sodkillers Sodkillers use steamworks mostly for weaponry, although they are also highly in favour of geargrafts. Sodkiller technologists are hard on their steamworks, so their devices tend to be very durable and battered.

Sons of Mercy Martyrs feel that, if used properly, steamworks can be a great tool for peace. Martyr technologists make demonstrations of this philosophy across the planes, hoping to influence others.

The Bleak Cabal Most people, especially factioneers, have taken steam technology and invested it with great meaning and purpose - a path to wealth and decadence, for many, or an intellectual exercise, or a way to gain greater temporal power. They've missed the point. Bleakers understand that steamworks are meaningless, no more special than the wood and metal that compose them. It's useful, sure, but so is a hammer or a bowl of soup. Societal changes have left more poor and downtrodden on the streets of the planes, and bleakers are still working to feed the hungry, comfort the mad, and bring a little bit of relief into a meaningless life. They're annoyed by the Athar, who have made helping people some sort of crusade - a meaningful purpose in itself.

The Fated Takers were likely one of the main forces behind some of the societal changes of the steam revolution. Steam technology is an empowerment to those bold and clever enough to use it, and those who can't acquire wealth and power in such an easy time are clearly just unmotivated. Taker technologists are extremely self-reliant and seem to have a special knack for repairing steamworks.

The Fraternity of Order It's strange that the guvners didn't discover steam technology on their own. Still, they've taken to it quite naturally - guvner belief is the perfect model for steam technology and its functionings. In fact, guvners have an innate talent for steamworks - they can figure out the workings of any lawfully-designed piece of machinery quite easily.

The Free League Indep technologists have some of the more unusual designs, since they're so individualistic. Often another technologist will have difficulty making indep steamworks function because of this. Indeps don't feel steam technology is anything special - no more than the basic machinery that existed before the steam revolution. They support freedom of steam because so much of steamworks is in the hands of the factions.

The Revolutionary League Anarchists use steamworks subversively. Much to their disdain, the steam revolution brought about a worse social order and their technologists work to subvert it through freedom of steam. Many anarchist steamworks come in the form of weapons, as they still view destruction of established locations as a strike against the establishment itself.

The Society of Sensation Sensates find that steam technology has brought with it a host of new sensations. Sensate technologists use their steamworks to explore new sensory experiences and, like sensate artists, often create new devices just for the different experience of it. The Transcendent Order Ciphers have an outlook on steam technology very similar to chaotic technologists, but tempered by a more ordered view of the system, as befits their neutral outlook. Cipher technologists allow the Cadence of the Planes to guide their designs, and cipher-made machines tend to have a simple elegance and comforting rhythm to their workings. Ciphers disdain geargrafts; they view it as a shortcut to physical well-being that defeats the purpose of exercise and fitness.

Xaositects Chaosmen are the champions of chaotic steamworks. As a concept, it is incomprehensible to lawful minds - the machines follow no particular rules or principles. Through effective belief and a facade of functionality, however, a seemingly random collection of gears and parts functions just as well as a "properly crafted" device. Chaosmen, with their ability to make sense of apparent chaos, can easily discern the workings of chaotic steamworks. Other chaotically-aligned technologists tend to have a bit more trouble with the concept.

Evander's picture
Joined: 2007-09-21
Steam works in Sigil is an

Steam works in Sigil is an interesting image in my mind, definitly interesting.

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