Prestige Class

Abyssal Warrior

Spragg's picture

One of the few reliable ways to actually survive in the Abyss is to become useful to the tanar'ri. And to the tanar'ri, "useful" typically goes right along with "deadly". Though it may be surprising to Clueless, even fiends recruit mortals all the time, making use of their skills to try and gain an edge in the Blood War. Even most mercenaries rarely participate in the conflict, only engaging in a few skirmishes to help their reputation. After all, the survival rate for even powerful tanar'ri is low - what chance does a mortal have?

Ash Watchman

Spragg's picture

Also known as "Preservers", these are the rare Doomguard that have dedicated their lives to slowing entropy - or at the very least, placing it where they think it belongs. Mainly found amongst the Ashers, these members dedicate themselves to placing entropy where they believe it will do the least harm... using it to prune parts of the universe that might create greater entropy.


Rhys's picture

I’llsay one thing for the githyanki; they know how to build stuff. You’llnote, dear diary, that I’m using the githzerai emphasis on the word ‘know’there. I’m getting ahead of myself, though. I’ll begin at the beginning.

Blade-Handed Dervish

Rhys's picture

The Ascendant Guide

Emperor Xan's picture

"Someone has to hold the hands of deities as they come into their own."

The Smithwright

Emperor Xan's picture

"Even the swing of their hammers is artistic" Steel, fire, hammer: ring crackle, whiz. Sound, movement, and instrument come in many forms from the tambourine to the lute. The smithwright sees the forge as a drum of sorts. The ringing tones of steel and rhythmic pulsing of hammer and bellows set the tinny baseline of many chants penned by these Godsmen

Acheronian Aerotrooper

Emperor Xan's picture

“That’s one profession I wouldn’t want. Either you’re quick with a sword or you’re dead. Maybe that’s why they say those berks are flying the deadly skies.”

Fists of Divinity

Emperor Xan's picture

“Even the ‘gods’ can use a bloodied nose.”

Guide to the Great Unknown

Emperor Xan's picture

“Some paths are too lonely to be walked alone.”

The Grand Orator

Emperor Xan's picture

“These self-aggrandizing ‘gods’ as you call them are nothing more than sycophants; when they lose their foolish adherents, they become dead husks in the Astral. True divinity is made of tougher stuff, I say.”

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