Paraelemental Plane of Magma, Derived From the 3.0 Rules of Planar Construction

Emperor Xan's picture

It is a cauldron of boiling stone.
It is a place of wastelands.
It is a plane of death and renewal.
It is the child of Earth and Fire.

At its heart, the Paraelemental Plane of Magma is a molten sea of rock. This primordial soup is the closest a mortal can get to the heart of a Material Plane world. Few things last long on a plane where worlds themselves are reduced to a roiling ocean by the power of this plane.
There is a sky above the bottomless depth of the great sea, albeit one choked with liquefied rock, volcanic gasses and pillars of fire. Neither region offers solace to Material Plane travelers. However, chunks of obsidian and basalt resist the plane's will enough to form islands where some measure of comfort could possibly be found.
Natural vortices connect the Paraelemental Plane of Magma and the Material Plane, usually in volcanoes or deep within the planet, though they can sometimes appear in violent pyroclastic eruptions.

Paraelemental Plane of Magma Traits
The Paraelemental Plane of Magma has the following traits.

Normal Gravity
Normal Time
Infinite Size
Alterable Morphic
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create magma (including those from the Magma domain) are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create air (including the summoning of air elementals or outsiders with that subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Air domain. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + level of the spell) must be made to do so. Water spells and spell-like abilities are completely nullified.

Magma Inhabitants

The inhabitants of this plane are comprised of molten rock. However, these paraelementals and mephitis, aren't numerous. Thus, the plane is somewhat scarcely inhabited. Chances are high that a traveler here can go for days before running into life here. It's not that the plane is deserted, just very hostile to life.
Magma is home to very tough individuals, native and otherwise. As such, travelers to Magma should be respectful of the plane's inhabitants unless they have more power than the natives. These creatures are extremely hostile and have little to no problem in cutting a berk down to size.
Very few outsiders make the Paraplane of Magma their home. There's nothing suitable to life here. The Magma paraelementals do well enough, but they are a part of the plane, making the point moot where they are concerned. Outsiders, on the other hand, have to employ powerful magic to provide their sustenance. Thus, the few people who do set up kip in the plane are often best avoided unless one has pressing business with these cutters.
A lava mephit named Chilimba is one of the most powerful natives of the plane. His cruelty knows no bounds and if even half the rumors about him are true, no one should ever have dealings with him. Chilimba is overly fond of torture and relishes the chance of employing his talents in that field whenever he can. The best advice anyone can give an outsider looking to cut a deal with him is simply this: don’t. It isn’t that he won’t deal fairly, but that he’ll try to skew it so he can torture his partners upon completion of the transaction.
The language of the magma paraelementals is Linguafacta Massae. The language is deeply glottal and has a hissing quality to it as well. In many ways, the language sounds like an amalgam of Terran and Ignan.

Movement and Combat

The whole of the plane consists mainly of a vast ocean of molten rock. As such, the only way to move through the paraplane is to swim or sail - barring flight that is. These restrictions hold true to the core and all border regions where magma flows. The only real hazard that travelers to the paraplane face is the intense heat of the magma and the toxic atmosphere.
Astrally projected travelers whose form manifests on this plane gain all resistances to the effects of magma and may move freely through the core of the plane. This ability only applies on this plane.

Magma Combat

Except as noted for the elemental traits of the plane, combat is normal on the surface. Fighting in magma is difficult for all but the inhabitants of the plane and those with magical aids that allow them to treat the molten rock like water. For everyone else, swimming in magma has a +2 DC to all actions while in the magma in addition to any dam-age to those lacking protection from the magma.

Features of the Paraelemental Plane of Magma

Everything about the plane of Magma is dangerous to travelers. The heat of the molten rock is almost as great as that of the plane of Fire, causing 2d10+4 damage. Travelers here can attempt to navigate the blistering heat of the molten rock for as long as they can hold their breath, or are burned to ashes should they lack magical protection. The atmosphere is quite caustic and requires a filtered mask or magical means to make it hospitable. Anyone breathing the toxic fumes must make a Fortitude save (DC 25) or die instantly from the deadly fumes.
The best feature of the plane of Magma is that it doesn't have many solid surfaces large enough to cause travelers manifesting in the plane to end up trapped. The few solids in the core of the plane float on top of the mol-ten sea that defines the core of this plane. As such, there is only a 1-5% chance that a traveler will actually manifest in one of the floating islands. Should this unfortunate event take place, the traveler can hope that his friends either rescue him, or that he can hold his breath long enough until the solid melts back into the core.
The DM is free to allow those trapped to dig a chamber (10 minutes required to make a 5 foot cube) as if they were trapped on the plane of Earth. After this point, the traveler must decide which way to start digging and hope for an opening in that direction.
Besides being burned to death, travelers in Magma must worry about starvation and dehydration. The plane is too hot to be of any use to the traveler for purposes of keeping hydrated, not to mention that the toxic nature of the plane will foul if not destroy food and water from both fumes and heat. The haze of the plane reduces visibility to a maximum of 120 feet, but travelers won't have to worry about a need for a light source, the plane has its own light in the form of the deep ruddy glow of the magma. And, if a light source is needed, the character need but catch something on fire in the magma. Under the surface of the magma, magical methods are required in order for vision to be retained.
The islands that sporadically dot Magma's core provide a refuge from the vast molten sea. Many of these is-lands are unpopulated and too small to support any form of life. Most of the islands will melt back into the core in 2d4 days if not sooner. Even with that amount of time, erupting geysers of lava and superheated steam can destroy an island faster by infusing it with a maze of fissures that will consume the island in hours instead of days. To de-termine how long the average island will survive in Magma's core, use the table below.

Table 6x-7: Lifespan of Islands

Size (in miles)LifespanFissured Lifespan
1-103d4 hoursd4 Turns
11-203d8 hours2d4 Turns
21-40d4 daysd4 hours
41-802d4 days2d4 hours
81-1604d4 days1d4 days
161-3201d4 weeks2d4 days
32-6402d4 weeks3d4 days
641-1,284d4 weeksd4 weeks
1,281-2,5602d4 months2d4 weeks
2,561-5,1204d4 monthsd4 months
5,121+4d4 years4d4 months

Border Regions of the Paraelemental Plane of Magma


It is the deposit of the Multiverse's silts.
It is the grinding of rocks towards inevitability.
It is corrosion unchecked.

As one wanders from Magma's core towards the Quasiplane of Dust, corrosion and rust set in. The Sands is a region of Earth's demise when volcanism reigns supreme. In the Sands, on can find sanctuary from the heat the closer one gets to the plane of Dust.
This region is far from safe, however. Metals rust unnaturally fast. Mechanical devices cease to function unless cleaned once an hour from the sheer amounts of grit and sand that swirl about. The Sands are a barren wasteland. Most sensible beings avoid the region at all costs.

Normal Gravity
Normal Time
Infinite Size
Alterable Morphic
Major Magma-Dominant, Minor Dust-Dominant
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create heat or magma are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit. Dust spells are empowered, but not enlarged in this region.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create earth, radiance, or air (including the summoning of earth, radiance, or air elementals or outsiders with either subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Earth domain and those that use positive energy. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful
Spellcraft check (DC 10 + level of the spell, DC of 15 for Radiance-related spells) must be made to do so. Water spells and spell-like abilities are completely nullified.

Scorched Wastes

It is world's end.
It is hard and unforgiving.
It is a bastion of ruined lands.

The Scorched Wastes are hellish. This region has been burned to melting and left with rivers of lava coursing through the region. Great massifs of basaltic rock are all that remain. Everything else has been burned away.
A volcanic ash hazes the air the closer one gets to the border between the Earth and Magma planes. Massive lakes and rivers rest near the great spires and basalt cliffs that lay out the border. A few lows of lava fall like water from the imperceptible height of some cliffs.

Normal Gravity, or Heavy Gravity: Depending on how close the traveler is to the core of the plane, the gravity is normal. However, as one wanders towards the terminus marked by the giant cliffs, the gravity becomes heavier.
Normal Time
Infinite Size
Alterable Morphic
Major Magma-Dominant, Minor Earth-Dominant
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create magma or heat are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit. Earth spells are empowered, but not enlarged in this region.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create, air or fire (including the summoning of air or fire, elementals or outsiders with either subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Air & Fire domains. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + level of the spell, DC of 15 for Fire-related spells) must be made to do so. Water spells and spell-like abilities are completely nullified.

Obsidian Forest

It is a monument to nature.
It is deadly.
It is alien.

The Obsidian Forest is home to pillars of scintillating mineral deposits forged in the heat of Magma's power. The ground is smooth obsidian. The spires give an eerie feeling of an alien landscape. It is hazardous to travelers.
The Obsidian Forest has hidden dangers though evil and powerful fugitives from Ogremoch, the archomental. Travelers here should hire a guide to keep them well clear of these beings. This is a region you just avoid unless otherworldly business dictates otherwise.

Normal Gravity, or Heavy Gravity: Depending on how close the traveler is to the core of the plane, the gravity is normal. However, as one wanders towards the terminus marked by the giant crystalline cliffs, the gravity becomes heavier.
Normal Time
Infinite Size
Alterable Morphic
Major Magma-Dominant, Minor Mineral-Dominant
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create magma or heat are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit. Mineral spells are empowered, but not enlarged in this region.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create, air, ash, or fire (including the summoning of air or fire, elementals or outsiders with either subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Air, Ash & Fire domains. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + level of the spell, DC of 15 for Ash-related spells) must be made to do so. Water spells and spell-like abilities are completely nullified.

Glowing Dunes

It is a region of hills of ash.
It is startlingly beautiful.
It kills mysteriously.

Of all the regions in the Inner Planes, the Glowing Dunes is one of the deadliest. Something about this region isn't right. At first, it appears to consist entirely of rolling hills of volcanic ash. But that's only so long as you remain relatively close to the core.
As one travels towards the plane of Radiance, the dust turns metallic as the hills themselves transition from volcanic ash to the strange metallic dust. These metallic particles glow with an eerie light. Travelers in this region must make a Fortitude save every day (DC 25) to avoid the wasting sickness emanating from the region. Failure results in contracting this mysterious illness. First, nausea sets in within 2d4 hours. This is followed d4 hours later by bleeding gums with blindness followed d4 hours after that. The end result is that the traveler dies in 3d20 days.

Normal Gravity, or Subjective Directional Gravity: Depending on how close the traveler is to the core of the plane, the gravity is normal. However, as one wanders towards Radiance (designated by a thinning consistency of the metallic dust hills), the gravity becomes subjective.
Normal Time
Infinite Size
Alterable Morphic
Major Magma-Dominant, Minor Radiance-Dominant
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create magma or heat are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit. Radiance spells are empowered, but not enlarged in this region.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create, air, dust, or fire (including the summoning of air or fire, elementals or outsiders with either subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Air, Dust & Fire domains. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + level of the spell, DC of 15 for Dust-related spells) must be made to do so. Water spells and spell-like abilities are completely nullified.

Searing Mists

It is a region of insufferable heat.
It is the place where stone turns to mist.
It is a fog of liquid fire.

From the core of Magma to the plane of Fire, there lies a region of unprecedented destruction. The Searing Mists turn molten rock from a liquid into a vapor. The sea of stone dissolves as one moves away from Magma.
At first, the Searing Mists look like the core, only warmer and more fluid. No islands of rock can be found in this region. As one progresses through the region, the magma rises higher and begins to evaporate. Nearer the plane of Fire, the magma begins to drop off until the traveler walks along fiery ground enshrouded in a mist of molten rock.

Normal Gravity
Normal Time
Infinite Size
Alterable Morphic
Major Magma-Dominant, Minor Fire-Dominant
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create magma or heat are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit. Fire spells are empowered, but not enlarged in this region.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create, air, dust, or fire (including the summoning of air or fire, elementals or outsiders with either subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Air, Dust & Fire do-mains. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + level of the spell, DC of 15 for Dust-related spells) must be made to do so. Water spells and spell-like abilities are completely nullified.

Chalk Islands

It is a dichotomy of temperatures.
It is tainted by hunger.
It is a choking maze of magma and ash.

The chalk islands seem to be a blessing when first viewed. However, this border region of Magma is perhaps the most deceptive region of Magma. The magma rivers possess the heat of the plane's core while the islands of ash contain the deadly cold of Ash's hunger.
The checkerboard effect of extreme heat and cold makes it a daunting challenge fore anyone to survive both environments. However, despite the dangers of the region, life does eke out a niche. The powerful residents who've carved their domains out of the region magically protect most of this life.

Normal Gravity, or Heavy Gravity: Depending on how close the traveler is to the core of the plane, the gravity is normal. However, as one wanders towards Ash, the gravity becomes heavy.
Normal Time
Infinite Size
Alterable Morphic
Major Magma-Dominant, Minor Mineral-Dominant
Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create magma or heat are both empowered and enlarged (as if the Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell had been used on them, but the spells don't require higher-level slots). Spells and spell-like abilities already empowered or enlarged are unaffected by this benefit. Mineral spells are empowered, but not enlarged in this region.
Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create, air, fire or mineral (including the summoning of air or fire, elementals or outsiders with either subtype) are impeded. This includes spells of the Air, Fire & Mineral domains. These spells and spell-like abilities can still be used, but a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + level of the spell, DC of 15 for Mineral-related spells) must be made to do so. Water spells and spell-like abilities are completely nullified.

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