No dead truce for dustmen?
4E Planscape: The Factions
Within Sigil and the planes exist Factions, organizations which adhere to a certain belief, which shapes the multiverse even further to their ideal. Indeed, many call them philosophers with clubs.
They hold many positions in the City of Doors and run many of the services, from the prisons held by the Mercykillers, to the Foundry worked by the Believers of the Source, to the Dustmen operating the Mortuary.
This article covers the original factions presented in The Factol's Manifesto, the changes after the Faction War presented in Dragon #315 and the revisions made in Planewalker Chapter 3. This article also includes the factions presented in the Paradigm Shift project by Idabriu, which I fully support.
The Factions
Athar (defiers, the lost)
They don't believe gods are divine. Powers are just beings with a lot of power to throw around.
Power: +1 to Fort/Ref/Will Defenses against a Divine attack or from one made by an Immortal creature.
Restriction: Cannot be a priest of a specific deity. They are very reluctant to be aided by one and priests are reluctant to aid them back. They can worship the Great Unknown.
Believers of the Source (Godsmen)
They believe every being can be elevated to the status of the divine beings, or even higher.
Power: +3 to Diplomacy rolls - even if untrained, everyone likes it when they are told they can become a god!
Restriction: Priests of specific Deities cannot take deity feats (except for those of the Great Unknown), because they do not have the unwavering faith required.
Bleak Cabal (Bleakers)
The universe just IS, there is no grand scheme or purpose. It's all rather depressing really.
Power: +1 to all defenses vs. Psychic damage, +1 to will defenses vs. mind-affecting spells that influence emotions. (You don't want to see into their heads.)
Restrictions: These are depressing guys to be around. Every day, there is a 5% chance of falling into a melancholy (-2 to all skill checks). Cannot be lawful.
Entropy is the nature of the universe, and we'll help it along.
Power: Gain either proficiency with Heavy blades, or (if you already have that) Weapon focus with heavy blades.
Restrictions: They hate supernatural healing. When a cleric or Warlord uses a power granting a healing surge on them, Doomguard do not gain the extra healing normally associated with it (in other words, they get a normal healing surge). If a Doomguard is a petitioner, they gain a -1 to the result.
The Dustmen (The dead)
Life is a lie, an ever repeating cycle of coming back and disappearing into the depths. Only by slipping into the state known as True Death is the only way out
Power: +1 to Fort/Ref/Will Defenses vs. Necrotic type.
Restriction: Dustmen don't want to come back if they die. Resurrecting them costs 1.5x the normal cost, and they won't be happy about it when they come back.
The Fated (The takers)
The strong rule. Take what's yours, and be as self-reliant and prosperous as possible.
Power: Gains the Jack-of-all-trade feat, for free.
Restriction: As a Fated you cannot willingly accept or give out charity.
The Fraternity of Order (Guvners)
The universe works on rules. Learn the rules, and everything else will click into place.
Power: Learn and study from the past. Gain the History skill or if you already have it get a +3 bonus to it.
Restriction: Cannot be chaotic. As a Guvner, you cannot knowingly break any law.
The Free League (Indeps)
Not really a faction, just a group of people getting together for protection. Independence is the most important thing here.
Power: +2 bonus to saves vs. charm or enthralling effects.
Restriction: As an Indep, you will never put yourself into a situation where you are completely subservient. The Harmonium (Hardheads)
Further the Harmonium goal of bringing order to the multiverse . . . by any means necessary!
Power: Automatically gain the skill Intimidate or a +3 bonus if you already have it.
Restrictions: You must follow all the orders and decrees of the Harmonium, and uphold their beliefs. Cannot be chaotic.
Mercykillers (Red Death.)
Justice is absolute. Everyone must be punished if they commit a crime. You are judge, jury, and executioner.
Power: Automatically gain the skill Insight or a +3 bonus if you already have it.
Restriction: A Mercykiller must give into punishment if they have committed any crime except crimes done in the course of bringing another criminal to justice. They cannot release a lawbreaker who has not been punished. The Revolutionary League (Anarchists)
Society is corrupt. Sneak into the cracks, then crack it open! Rebuild it from the ground up!
Power: Automatically gain the skill Bluff or a +3 bonus if you already have it.
Restriction: Cannot be lawful. An Anarchist can never truly hold a public office or business (though he can pose as one for a while). Is expected to give some proceeds to help their cause.
The Sign of One (Signers)
Belief shapes the world. Maybe we are all the product of one guys twisted dreams, maybe we all share one, large, collective dream. Who is to know?
Power: If the player fails to notice an illusion on the first roll, they get a second, automatic reroll (or the DM rolls for them twice). If all the world's an illusion, the cheap ones are easy to spot.
Restriction: Signers are usually pretty aloof and, because of their nature, they often wax philosophical and are rarely down to earth. Thus, they suffer -2 penalties to diplomacy when not talking about philosophy, or similarly heady subjects.
The Society of Sensation (Sensates)
The Multiverse has no true, overarching scheme other than to EXPERIENCE it. Go out, see the different sights, feel them. SEE what an infinite infinities have to offer.
Power: Automatically gain the Perception skill or a +3 bonus if you already have it. You must to have finely tuned senses to sense the multiverse.
Restriction: A sensate will not say no to a new sensation that poses no obvious, damaging threat. The Trancendent order (Ciphers)
Don't, think, DO. The only way to attain enlightenment is to let the universe FLOW threw you, thinking will only bog you down.
Power: Automatically gain the Alertness or Improved Initiative feat - player's choice.
Restrictions: A Cipher is prone to snap judgments, and will absolutely not 'take time to think about it.'
The Xaositects (Chaosmen)
The nature of the universe is pure, unadulterated chaos . . . act accordingly . . . or don't.
Power: Chaosmen are ridiculously crazy, and unpredictable. Others suffer a -5 penalty to use sense motive on you.
Restrictions: In addition to acting as barmy as you possibly can, you can never be a part of long-term plans, own a business or practice law. You cannot be Lawful.
Post Faction War
The Mind's Eye (Seekers, Visionaries)
Find yourself in the universe.
Powers: Ever advancing in your destiny, you know nothing can slow you down. You gain a +1 to all Saving Throws.
Restriction: Even if you don't share the arrogance your faction in known for, it's a reputation. You take a -2 to Diplomacy checks.
Ring-Givers (Bargainers, Beggars)
You only get as good as you give.
Powers: When buying items, you only pay half the listed price, as proof that you get back what you give. You also gain a +1 bonus that you can apply to any d20 roll once per encounter. This improves by +1 for every tier you gain beyond Heroic.
Restriction: Of course, you must lose to gain in the first place. When selling items, you can only receive 1/10th of the items value. Because of how the multiverse works, the Disenchant Ritual gives you the same amount, as the planes rework magic to fit your beliefs. In addition, you may not own or use a magic item of your level or higher.
Sons of Mercy (Martyrs)
Justice exists in order to hold the greater good.
Powers: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls against creatures with the Evil or Chaotic Evil alignment (add the same thing to Lawful Evil if you use it). This improves by +1 for every tier beyond Heroic.
Restrictions: If you ever are given a choice, you must always pick the option that serves the greater good. You must be of non-evil alignment.
-Harmonium: You must be lawful and non-evil.
-Fraternity of Order: You must be non-chaotic.
Paradigm Shift
The Circle of Thought (Circlers, Revisionists)
The multiverse is a book always being revised, and the remnants of the last one can be unraveled in texts called semions.
Power: While reading something you may learn how it was made either by how, when or why it was made. You don't need an action to use this ability. Simply reading it activates this knowledge.
Restrictions: You may not destroy anything considered a semion.
The Mercenaries (Bleeders, Warmongers)
Truth is found in conflict and hardship.
Power: When you first get bloodied, you may spend a healing surge as an immediate action, healing your surge value + your Wis modifier.
Restriction: A Mercenary will never help someone out in a time of need if he can avoid it - that robs that person of a valuable lesson.
I actually didn't come up with the Dustmen one. That was actually one of the things I wanted to keep, but I have to respect their work and not sell it off as I my own.
I would love some other feats, but I don't have any ideas - can you lend a hand?
The Athar are Defiers, not Defilers, I thought. As for Dustmen, can't the subject of a resurrection spell refuse it? That would mean not that such a spell wouldn't work on them -- but that if it did, they were no longer in good standing with the faction, because they'd rejected a core tenet, and they'd lose the benefits of membership.
Defiers vs. Defilers may be a typo introduced in the editorial process of spellcheck. If so - I can fix, Otogi?
Yes I can.
Something like this:
Channel Belief : “Touched “ Power of Belief
Your close relationship to the madness of the universe makes you immune against the madness of magic.
Encounter ♦ Belief (bleakers)
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You are affected by a power with the psychic or charm keyword that causes some condition that can be ended with a saving throw
Effect: You can immediately make a saving throw with a +5
bonus. If you are successful you ignore the condition completely. If you fail you are not considered to have used this power and can retain its use for later in this encounter.
Channel Belief : Independent Mind Power of Belief
Your stubbornness makes you resistant to attacks against your will..
Encounter ♦ Belief (Indep)
Immediate Interrupt
Target: Personal
Effect: When successfully attacked by a power targeting will, you can cause the attacker to reroll the attack.
Channel Belief : Entropic Blow Power of Belief
Most Sinkers learn sooner or later how to bring entropy to their enemies with a single blow, making Doomguard members some of the most feared warriors in the multiverse
Encounter ♦ Belief (Doomguard), Heavy Sword
Standard Action Melee Attack
Target: One creature
Requirement: Before the attack, you expend an unused daily power.
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: You deal damage based on the level of the daily
power you expended:
1st level 3[W] + Strength modifier
5th level 4[W] + Strength modifier
9th level 5[W] + Strength modifier
15th level 6[W] + Strength modifier
19th level 7[W] + Strength modifier
25th level 8[W] + Strength modifier
29th level 9[W] + Strength modifier
and Critical Hits against the target with 17-20 until the end of the encounter.
Miss: Half damage and Critical Hits against the target with 19-20 until the end of the encounter.
Channel Belief : Random Action Power of Belief
You know how to sow chaos in others, infecting them with raw randomness.
Encounter ♦ Belief (Xaositects) , Implement, Charm
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature within burst
Requirement: Before the attack, you expend an unused daily power.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit:: The target is dominated (save ends) but you do not
choice the action the character takes. Instead you roll 1d20 each round in order to determine how the characters behave while under the influence of this power.
1-6: Targets can act normally but are stilled dazed.
7-12: Targets take a move action away from you.
13-17: The targets stand around and take no actions.
18-19: Targets attack nearest creature
20: Choose the action the character takes
Channel Belief : Dead Truce Power of Belief
Your soothing words keep undead from attacking you.
Encounter ♦ Belief (Dustmen) , Zone
Minor Action
Target: Close Burst 20
Effect: The undead within range cannot attack you as long you have attacked none of the undead creatures in this encounter.
Sustain Minor
Channel Belief : Sensory Touch Power of Belief
Sensates are taught how to feel the pain of others in exchange for their own wellbeing..
Encounter ♦ Belief (Sensates) , Healing
Minor Action
Target: One Creature melee touch
Requirement: you expend an healing surge.
Effect: The target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge or remove any condition. You take damage as one healing surge or take his condition.
Channel Belief : Master of the Heart Power of Belief
You have learned to act without thought
Encounter ♦ Belief (Cipher)
Free Action
Target: Personal
Requirement: You roll highest initiative.
Effect: You can spent unlimited action points in this encounter but only one for round.
Those look pretty fantastic, even the Dead Truce one where I thought would be impossible to translate to 4e, which makes me dread the fact that I can't give you a medal over the internet.
Now I know it seems rather pointless to ask how you can get these besides just saying you spend an encounter slot on them, but should they be more like the use of feats similar to Channel Divinity?
Just a suggestion, maybe offer those powers as feats, like the Channel Divinity feats, but only available to faction members, or have it work like paragon paths and add a few bells and whistles like action point abilities and whatnot. This would mimic the Faction ranks from 2e, in that greater powers became available to faction members whose beliefs grew along with their rank in the Faction. Also, just great stuff here, I agree with Catland93, that these mimic the old boxed set very well. One of the things I noticed about 4e is that it tends to allow for easier adaptation of 2e rules and concepts.
Is this where I'm supposed to write something clever?
Thanks for the medal.
Yes. I think about channel belief feats. One for faction; and then paragon paths for higher rank.
My suggestion for the mechanics is: 1 initiate feat, 1 channel belief feat and more paragon paths for every faction.
I can post my stuff. I have in italian. Now I translate my works and then i post.
Channel Belief : Faithless Miracle Power of Belief
Your denial of the powers is such that you can completely disregard divine magic.
Encounter ♦ Belief (Athar)
Immediate Interrupt
Target: Personal
Effect: When successfully attacked by a divine power or by immortal creatures, you can cause the attacker to reroll the attack.
Channel Belief : Probability Manipulation Power of Belief
In your quest to understand the intrinsic laws of the multiverse, you have learned how to “bend” the laws affecting an outcome.
Encounter ♦ Belief (Guvner)
Immediate Interrupt
Target: You or one Creature
Effect: add a +2 or -2 to any attack roll, damage roll, or skill check.
Channel Belief : Cleanse Impurity Power of Belief
All Seekers must be at their best if they are to face every challenge before them, and thus it is a necessity to wipe away any damage done to body or soul that could hamper your quest. You have learned to use some of your inner divinity to do just that.
Encounter ♦ Belief (Mind’s Eye)
Immediate Interrupt
Target: You or one Creature
Effect: Reroll a failed save.
Channel Belief : Authority Power of Belief
The authority put forth by your faction has become an almost supernatural ability to bellow a command and see it immediately obeyed..
Encounter ♦ Belief (Harmonium) , Implement, Charm
Minor Action Area burst 2 within 10
Target: Each creature within burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit:: The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Channel Belief : Blow for Justice Power of Belief
Sensates are taught how to feel the pain of others in exchange for their own wellbeing..
Encounter ♦ Belief (Mercykiller)
Minor Action
Target: One Creature
Requirement: you expend an healing surge.
Effect: If your next attack hits the target is a critical hit and you suffer damage as your healing surge.
Channel Belief : Point the finger Power of Belief
You are a master of verbal deception, and can make others seem dishonest or inept with your quick wit..
Encounter ♦ Belief (Anarchist)
Free action Close Burst 10
Target: one Creature in the burst
Requirement: you succeded in a Bluff roll.
Effect: -5 to the next charisma based ability roll.
Alright, I can deffienetly see these as feats - not to powerful, but not a waste. I don't understand what you mean by initiate feat, so I need a bit more of an explanation before I can help out.
Paragon paths sound great. Should we generalize for each faction, or spread out each part of the faction? Should we look to Chapter 3 for inspiration?
Great work - will hopefully draw new 4e players into PS without having to worry about changing rulesets. Kudos!
Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!
I intended something like your basic work with some other extra non-combat benefit like Sift for the doomguard, Eye of justice for merckiller, cadent whispers for cipher etc.... All in a initiate feat with benefits and restrictions.
For the paragon paths, the chapter 3 is a great inspiration but not all works with 4e style.
I'm working to:
Entropic Champion(doomguard)
Defiant Soul (athar)
Master of the Mind(Cipher)
Ardent Dilettante(sensates)
Fatemaker (fated)
Justiciar of the Red Death
Champion of the Harmonium
Divulger of Forgetfulness (bleaker)
I post these works soon!
Requirement: Doomguard, Charisma or Wisdom 17
Sinker Swordsmanship (11th level):: A Heavy sword functions as a implement, adding its enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for your powers that use implements.
Steady Decay (11th level): You have resist necrotic 5 + one-half your level.
Distructive Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, if you use your action to make an attack that hits, that hit deals ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends).
Control Sphere (16th level): The entropomancer has the ability to control a sphere of annihilation as if he were using a talisman of the sphere, and the entropomancer is personally unaffected by a sphere of annihilation, which passes through him as if his square was completely empty. High-level entropomancers are often obsessed with acquiring spheres of annihilation.
Ecstatic Decay Attack Entropomancer 11
This spell rapidly decomposes a creature’s body while overwhelming them with exquisite pleasure unlike anything else in the multiverse.
Encounter ✦ Belief (Doomguard), Implement, Necrotic, Radiant
Standard Action Range 10
Target: one creature
Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs. Will (critical 19-20)
Hit: 2d10 + Charisma or Wisdom modifiers necrotic and radiant damage and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Sustain free: Spend an healing surge and you can roll a new attack vs. the target
Entropic Field Utility Entropomancer 12
You conjure a field of invisible, entropic energy, strong enough to warp the laws of probability.
Daily ✦ Belief (Doomguard)
Standard Action Close Burst 5
Effect: All the healing powers fails in the burst until the end of the next turn. One for round, as immediate interrupt you can force a creature in the burst to reroll an attack, ability check or save.
Sustain free: Spend an healing surge and the zone persists.
Shard of Entropy Attack Entropomancer 20
You conjure a small black a chunk of absolute blackness of entropy.
Daily ✦ Belief (Doomguard), Implement, Necrotic, Zone
Standard Action Range 1
Effect: you can create a small black chunk of entropy in a square. Creatures that enter the zone or start their turns adiacents to the shard are dazed and take ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). As a move action, you can move the zone up to 6 squares and attack all the targets or pull every target in close burst 6 to the shard.
Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs Reflex or Charisma or Wisdom vs Fortitude (pull attack)
Hit: 2d10 + Charisma or Wisdom modifiers necrotic damage or pull 6.
Sustain Minor
That's a pretty cool update on the previous Prestige class. The only thing I see, that I disagree with is the power "Ecstatic Decay". There aren't a lot of powers that I've seen in 4e that allow criticals in a greater range. I can understand the reasoning, Sinkers know how to break stuff and hurt people, but I don't know if the rules support it. Otherwise, I'm loving these updates, is there any way to get them in .pdf eventually? ',:>)
Is this where I'm supposed to write something clever?
I'm keeping an eye on these for the 4e Conversion Guide - assuming I have permission from the authors to pick them up for that PDF release here with Planewalker?
Thanks a lot.
About "Ecstatic Decay"; the 4e rules support criticals in a greater range but maybe a 19-20 is better for a 11 power level.
an example of greater range critical hits is Paralyzing Strike at pag. 85 of the player's handbook.
About the .pdf I hope to see them here with planewalker. Anyway, i can post you my works by email.

Of Course. I'm working for this.
Requirement: Harmonium, Strenght and Charisma 15
Though many join the Harmonium, unifying with your fellow members can be far from an easy task. Though they all seek to create peace, most members of the Harmonium are still wholly individual. And since their passion to unite worlds and planes burns brightly, disagreements can drive even those of higher measure apart. A rare few, however, build a rare gift, one that lets them lead by example. Their presence brings the disparate elements together, granting them inspiration and drive. Champions of the Harmonium are just that, becoming one with the purpose of their faction.
Those that become champions are typically well-rooted within the faction, often achieving the rank of Measure before showing the exceptional talent for leadership that marks them. While occasionally a Notary has suddenly struck by inspiration and develops this sort of talent, it is most often honed over years. Surprisingly, few factols have been champions. Champions seem better suited to the field, after all, where their word has a positive effect on Harmonium members engaged in missions. Behind a desk or behind the front lines, their inspiring qualities often languish in disuse.
As the Harmonium champions martial prowess with which to enforce peace, the champion is often a warrior as much as a leader. After all, even the Harmonium admits that force is needed to impose change. Though it may be loathe to use it unecessarily, a champion learns to face violence - and to become very, very good at it. Not all that become champions are of a warlike persuasion, however. It's simply that once they embody the Harmonium, skill in combat is only natural.
*extract from PSCS3E
CHAMPION OF HARMONIUM PATH FEATURES Smite Anarchy (11th level): Your Divine Challenge class feature deals an additional 2 damage to chaotic creatures. As the damage increases by level, add an additional 2 damage per tier.
Awareness: (11th level): Can make an opportunity grab attack against an adjacent enemy that shifts.
Aura of Law (11th level): When you first become bloodied, you emit a lawful aura 3. Allies within the aura gain a +2 power bonus to attacks and immunity to Fear and Psychic damage. This effect ends when you are no longer bloodied, drop to 0 hit points or more, or become unconscious.
Smite Chaos; Champion of Harmonium Attack 11
You invoke order through your weapon, causing it to glow as you deliver a punishing blow against your enemies.
Encounter ✦ Belief (Harmonium), Weapon
Standard Action; Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Strength vs. AC, one attack per target
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage + Charisma modifier damage.
Effect: Each target is dazed until the beginning of your next turn.
If the target was chaotic, it is stunned until the end of your next turn
Order's Calm; Champion of Harmonium Utility 12
The calming effect of order helps release you from dangerous perils
Encounter ✦ Belief (Harmonium)
Free Action; Area burst 5
Targets: Yourself and each ally in burst
Effect: Targets may make a saving throw against any ongoing effect and add your Charisma modifier to the roll. In addition, targets may also spend a healing surge.
Die for the Faction Champion of Harmonium Attack 20
Your blow inspires his troops to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause.
Daily ✦ Belief (Harmonium), Weapon
Standard Action; Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage (Critical 19-20). Effect: until the end of the encounter, when the allies are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, they gain an immediate extra action.
Sustain standard: you can roll a new attack You gain a cumulative penalty -1 to all defenses for every round you sustain.
Alright, I can deffienetly see these as feats - not to powerful, but not a waste. I don't understand what you mean by initiate feat, so I need a bit more of an explanation before I can help out.
This is my sample of a faction initiate feat or template (what we like) with your staff included:
Requirement: join the Athar , Cannot be a priest of a specific deity.
Skills: Intimidate and religion are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skills.
Faithless Blessing: +1 to Fort/Ref/Will Defenses against a Divine attack or from one made by an Immortal creature.
Power of Banishment: A group of Athar can add their total level to cast the ritual Banishment. One for day they can cast it without to expend the component cost.
Heretic: They are very reluctant to be aided by one and priests are reluctant to aid them back. They can worship the Great Unknown.
Banishment Ritual Level 18
You send a supernatural creature back to the plane that spawned it.
Category: Binding
Component Cost: 6,800 gp + 2 healing surges
Time: 1 minute
Market Price: 17,000 gp
Duration: Instant
Key Skill: Arcana
Effect: You make an Arcana vs. target’s will +10 to send an extraplanar creature back to its home plane.
Faithless Miracle [Belief]
Prerequisites: Initiate of the Athar
Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Faithless Miracle
Channel Belief : Faithless Miracle Power of Belief
Your denial of the powers is such that you can completely disregard divine magic.
Encounter ♦ Belief (Athar)
Immediate Interrupt
Target: Personal
Effect: When successfully attacked by a divine power or by immortal creatures, you can cause the attacker to reroll the attack.
What do you think about?
This path completes the Athar rankings and the two previous feat are the requirements for the deviant soul path. Do you like this standard format? It looks like the 3 old ranks and fits with the rule-of-three.
Defiant Soul
The young man stared up at Jaya in disbelief as his healing spell fizzled. “Allow me,” the defier said as she laid hands upon the injured boy. “I told you the Powers were fakes…only acceptance of the truth can grant you access to the Great Unknown.”
Requirement: Iniziate Of The Athar, Faithless Miracle, Charisma or Wisdom 17
Defiant souls are members of the Athar who demonstrate the tenets of their faith to the masses. They openly challenge the clerics of gods, defeating them in battle whether by deeds or words, showing there is no need for someone to worship a deity in order to gain the divine power many seek. They preach the supremacy of a force they call the Great Unknown, which transcends the gods and grants defiant souls and other Athar the ability to resist divine magic.
Blasphemous Presence (11th level): Once per turn as a minor action, you can place a mark against a divine user or immortal creature.
Blasphemous Action(11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, if you use your action to make an attack against a divine user or an immortal creature roll twice and use the higher result.
Deny Edict (16th level): You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against divine effects.
Heretic’s Strike Defiant Soul Attack 11
Your confidence in the flaws of the powers enables you to bypass whatever protections of the divine agents
Encounter ✦ Belief (Athar), Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
If the target is a divine user or immortal creature, it takes 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and it is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Faithless ward Defiant Soul Utility 12
You quickly adapt to the energy your divine enemy is using against you.
Encounter ✦ Belief (Athar)
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You take damage of a specific type, such as radiant or fire by a divine user or an immortal creature
Effect: You gain resist 15 against damage of that type or types until the end of your next turn.
Punish the Divine Defiant Soul Attack 20
The defiant soul can reflect a divine spell back at the caster.
Daily ✦ Belief (Athar), Reliable
Immediate Reaction;
Trigger: You or an ally is the target of a divine or immortal attack that miss
Target: a divine user or an immortal creature
Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: The divine user or the immortal creature is the new target of the effect.
Still enjoying the work Catland, I look forward to seeing these in print.
Is this where I'm supposed to write something clever?
This is my new thread to developing my 4e factions conversion format idea:
I hope to see there critical comments about my numbers and new ideas, so that the stuff could be a very good work.

I'm not sure if my imput is even needed anymore, but it's fine by me.
4E SUCKS! It's purely commercialized, chewed trash. It's the epitome of stupidity. If it weren't for the marketing industry no sensible person would even give it a glimpse.
Don't waste time in converting, spend time in subverting it.
Yay - good for you. I'm glad you don't mind abandoning new gamers to use 4th without giving them any options to improve the tool they've started with or a gateway to more interesting settings. That's your choice. Conversion happens to be theirs. But that's not a particularly good excuse for disrupting their work.
If you are interested in working on 3.0 or 3.5 or Pathfinder work - there are other threads for that on the site.
Otherwise - please consider your complaint noted, and we will continue our work here.
The tools offered by 3rd and 3.5 are more than enough to run the game. Every opinion is respected. However, I think we should point out that every once in a while a 'new', 'revised' or 'modern' product hits the market and we should follow like cattle. Think that 2nd edition lasted for, I don't know, 10 or more years? Then came 3rd, then after two years or so 3.5 and now 4th. I think DnD and the rest of the d20 games are starting to resemble Card Games (Magic etc) which begun as strategy games and now are nothing more than money coffers for their companies.
A lot of the faction mottos here (the italic letters) are completely wrong and fail to describe the belief of the faction.
The Multiverse has no true, overarching scheme other than to EXPERIENCE it. Go out, see the different sights, feel them. SEE what an infinite infinities have to offer.
Really?that's what the sensates believe? that Otogi guy is completely Clueless
Otogi, I was very impressed with this article and found it an interesting take on the factions. The multiverse is an ever confusing place to be and input like yours is recieved with grattitude and hunger. The more I read, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I like (and the more likely to survive here I shall be). Thank you for such a dedicated insight.
Losing one's mind matters not, for one is a fish wearing a dress and the emperor of the celery people.
I like it. The basic benefits looks like the old PSCS boxed set.
Can you think of greater benefits like channel belief feats?