The Weeping Marsellaine is a tree native to the upper three layers of Gehenna. At its greatest growth one will be merely six feet tall. They appear as if a human woman standing up with her hands covering her face, and her hair making a bower for her to weep into.
The leaves (hair) are long strands similar to a willow that are always a deep orange color and drip with the acidic sap of the tree.
The trunk itself is what looks to be a human woman. It is a dark brown in color and often ridged and cracked. The bark comes off in strips, the interior showing as a blood red. When the bark is removed it looks like a wound on the woman.
The two arms of the weeping figure are seedpods. Once a cycle they will detach. The pod is almost one foot wide and six inches deep. For an entire cycle it will gather water from the acidic snow, eventually pressure builds up and the pods shoot off in a jet of water. It will normally carry the pod eighty or ninety feet before it lands.
Marsellaine was rumored to be a human druid who fell from the Prime Material to Gehenna. Seeing the hideous state of nature all around her she was transformed into a tree to shield her sensibilities. The truth of this is unknown. The wood is soft and unsuitable for carving.