Voices in the ghostly machine 2.0.0

Emperor Xan's picture
Just SurvivingVoices in the ghostly machine 2.0.0Copyright © 2000 by Emperor Xan (Zhextyl)

Department of HumanitiesPsychology/Sociology Section

For: Chief EngineerSubject:: House Ziverk, part 1.

"We're not heartless," he began with a practiced smile, "we only seek to create stability on the cubes. It is not our goal to conquer and destroy everyone. I granted you this interview because I want to let the rest of the multiverse know that House Ziverk is about peace."

I had to admire this man for his grace and fluidity of words. Never had I ever met with a man with an aura of such power as this one who hid it so well.

CA: So then, tell me, how old is your house.

EZ: House Ziverk is in its third century of existence. It was founded by Drakos Ziverk on 1 Tranquilitatus, ASP 682.

CA: I see, would that be on this cube?

EZ: No, the cube that is the heart of this House is designated 75x94y.

CA: So, who designates these cubes?

EZ: It's a house secret, sorry, that I'm afraid I can't reveal.

CA: I see. So, Which Houses are your primary concern?

EZ: At present count, our greatest annoyance comes from House Ipstar. Secondary nuisances can be considered the Houses Nubinas, Tzu, and Verditias.

CA: How large is your house?

EZ: We have over 50 battalions.

CA: Care to break them down for me?

EZ: At last count, we had roughly 20 infantry battalions, 15 cavalry, 9 heavy/special weapon battalions, and a handful of support elements.

CA: Impressive. How many cubes do you control?

EZ: At present, we officially control 7 cubes.

CA: Officially?

EZ: Well, yes, the rest are classified.

CA: What is life like here within your cubes?

EZ: Look around yourself. Do you see any crime or anyone who fears for their safety? Again, as I said, the goals of our house are peace. Sure, we go about things in a military fashion and gently request that our citizenry obey the same laws, but other than that, we are quite peaceful.

With that, I concluded the interview. It was pretty clear to me that it would be in my best interest to vacate his immediate presence.

Calix Arvandus, Shaper 2.

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