Victory Cube

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Just SurvivingVictory CubeCopyright © 2000 by Heiner de Wendt

DescriptionAn ancient legend of the Lower Planes tells of an Acheronian cube consisting of the strongest of all metals. It's said that this metal is nothing less than the concept of victory turned into matter, and that weapons carved from this metal will make their owner invincible. Even more important, there's a prophecy stating that "the warlord who will conquer the Cube of Victory will conquer the whole Plane of Acheron". Although most of the lesser soldiers of this plane don't know of these legends, there are few important warlords who are now eagerly searching for this legendary site. Even some of the powers let their proxies gather the dark about this topic. Yet, few claim to ever have seen this place, and no one seems to have been there to this day.

Special FeaturesIf the legends are true, the Victory Cube is most probably the greatest treasure of Acheron. Even if someone doesn't seek to conquer the plane, the metal from this cube would surely be better than any other known metal. A few stories tell of the cube appearing during a battle on another cube. As the Victory Cube came into sight, all soldiers felt its might and glory, and could do nothing but watch as the cube came nearer and nearer – and finally smashed them all. That is, nearly all: If no one had survived, there would've been no one to tell those stories, right?

The ChantJust a few years ago, the Acheronian hero Gragunnar, a mighty orc warrior and skillful smith, claimed to have been at the Victory Cube. He said that he had carved his powerful sword from the cube's metal, and indeed Gragunnar was known for defeating small legions of a hundred or more soldiers all alone. Nevertheless, the orc hero has disappeared now, and most people believe that he was just a liar, believing he was really powerful, but not as invincible as he wanted others to believe. The human warmonger Shuruen Hellfire, merciless ruler of many thousands of soldiers, has just started a large, yet secretive campaign to find the cube. Those few who know the dark of things state the basher has had visions of himself conquering the cube and the whole plane, and he believes himself to be the destined Ruler of Acheron.

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