
Anonymous's picture
        The LocalsTolhurrCopyright © 2000 by Torsten Bernhardt

In windier tunnels in Pandemonium the bloodsucking tolhurr can be found. Round flat creatures about the size of a dinner plate, the tolhurr spend much of the time sitting flat against the surface of the tunnels to avoid being blown about by the wind. Somehow, the creature can detect prey downwind from itself and detaches from the surface of the tunnel. Caught in the wind, the tolhurr is blown at high speed towards the unfortunate victim, steering itself through specialized flaps on its edges.

The tolhurr extends a sharp, piercing proboscis while airborne, and uses this to impale its prey. Victims are almost always (+6 chance) surprised and thus automatically struck by the creature, causing 1d4 damage from the impact. It attacks with a THAC0 of 12 if the victim is not surprised. Those who are missed by the beast rarely have a chance to do much about it, as the tolhurr continues to fly on the winds for great distances before settling onto the surface again.

For those who are struck while surprised, the creature sucks 2d4 points of blood and then detaches and is safely carried away. For those who are not surprised, blood is drained at a rate of 1d4 points of damage per segment for two segments, after which the tolhurr detaches as above, meaning that it is unlikely that anyone has an opportunity to do anything before the tolhurr flees.

This creature is intensely disliked throughout the plane, but it's extremely difficult to find. Able to detect other creatures either upwind or downwind, it can only be surprised if approached "sidewind," as the inhabitants of Pandemonium call it. Immune to blunt weapons, the most common way of dispatching it is to impale it with a piercing weapon and then use either slashing or piercing weapons to finish the job.

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