Time Travel

Fidrikon's picture
Time Travel Chronomancy
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, XP
Time: 10 minutes
Target: Caster and touched objects or other touched willing creatures weighing up to 100 lb./level
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell instantly transports the character to a designated time. The character can bring along objects and willing creatures totaling up to 100 pounds per caster level. Only objects held or in use (attended) by another person, and other people, receive saving throws and spell resistance checks if they are unwilling participants. The character must have some clear idea of the temporal destination, but they need not specify an exact period. If they do not specify a period, the spell will typically move them as little as possible from their current period to put them in an immediately survivable one. Areas of strong temporal or magical energies may make time travel more hazardous or even impossible. To see how well the time travel works, roll d% and consult the time travel table.

Specifications On Target Off TargetSimilarLocation Mishap
Specified exact time: 01–97 98–99 100
Specified time conditions: 01–76 77–88 89–98 99–100
Specified event: 01–52 53–76 77–96 97–100
No specific details or unstable (roll 1d20 + 80): 81–92 93–100
Refer to the following information for definitions of the terms on the table. Specifications: “Exact time” means that the character states exactly using a temporal reference he understands, the precise destination. “Time conditions” means that the character states conditions for the general age that they wish to appear in, but do not specify exact time. For example, “just before the dawn of the Illithid Empire” is a condition. “Event” refers to a specific event, person or place that the caster wishes to travel to, but does not supply an exact date for. “No details” means the caster blindly travels into the past, and “unstable” means that the caster is trying to travel to an area of overwhelming cosmic importance, of extremely high paradox value, or that is blocked from temporal travel. On Target: The caster arrives in the time they desired. If they did not specify an exact time, they arrive in a normal time for the event (or conditions) when the event (or condition) was not undergoing dramatic change. Off Target: The caster appears in a close era to the one desired. If they specified an exact time, they appear 1d10% away (the percentage is compared to the total time traveled). If they sought an event or conditions, they arrive this amount of time either after or before the event or conditions existed. There is an equal chance of arriving before or after the desired time. Similar Time: The caster winds up in a time that’s visually or thematically similar to the target period. They could be any time in the continuum. Mishap: The caster and anyone else traveling with them have gotten “scrambled.” the travelers may separate (10% chance per person that they separate from the caster and arrive in a different time). Anyone on the journey must make a Will save (Vs the DC of the time travel spell) or change age category by one value (equal chance of gain or loss, roll 1d2 to determine). Changes are physical only. Character advancing beyond venerable are slain, and lost on Temporal Energy Plane (unless they are immune to aging). Reroll the destination, using d20+80.

Note: Time travel is instantaneous travel through Temporal Energy Plane. Anything that blocks planar travel also blocks time travel. The DM may rule that time travel to a particular era is temporarily blocked due to the Temporal Energy Plane being out of alignment.XP Cost : 1,000

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