The Veil

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        Just SurvivingThe Veil[Realm]Copyright © 2000 by Itzhak Even

CharacterWhile many people may know that mages can create illusions, few can really understand the true power of illusion. Illusions can mask anything, from your name to your weaknesses. It is only by the use of illusions that you can outsmart your enemies while they are still groping in the dark for an imagery foe you have created. Use illusions always, and never ever let the enemy have true knowledge, but make him think that the knowledge he has is the truth.

PowerErgosal, the Master of Lies, dwells in the realms known collectively as The Veil. Because of his lowly status as a demi-god he strives to keep his dealings away from the eyes of the other powers. He could have been a Lesser power had he not invested his power in his realm.

DescriptionNo description can ever detail the true nature of TheVeil. The place is ever-shifting. A further deterrence is that the realm exists at the same time in all of the lower planes, and even there the location changes from time to time.

Principal TownsThose few who have reached this bizarre realm and survived its hazards have not seen any sign of anything living within the realm. Some sources, and unreliable sources at that (yugoloths), have stated that his petitioners become part of the mists and illusions woven around the realm, and that those who have excelled in life can become Dark Weavers (See PS MC 2) .

Special ConditionsWhatever the plane a blood has used to enter this realm, all illusions are of double strength and cannot be pierced by anyone who is not a petitioner, a proxy of Ergosal, or a devout follower. No divinations can work within the realm.

Principle Nonplayer CharactersThe only creature that was met inside this realm is Gfeul'Narka (Pl/male drow/M12/P11/CE). This drow is a master of illusions and is also a priest of Ergosal. He presents himself as a proxy of Ergosal and uses magical items and spells to reinforce that claim. The truth is that he is no proxy and is mainly used to distract enemies while the true proxies set plans in motions. It is very likely that in a few years Ergosal may make him a proxy, or even betray him and dispose of him, depending on the Power's plans.

ServicesThere is no service to be found here. Only a fool or a truly desperate one will enter this realm. No fiends enter this realm. It is whispered that even the yugoloth dare not enter this realm. A tale has begun recently that a yugoloth entered this realm and made a pact with Ergosal and later the fiend double crossed the power. The tale states that the fiend's plans were ruined at every corner since that time and that in a short while many secrets of that fiend were exposed to those he betrayed. Needless to say the yugoloth did not survive for long after that.

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