The River of the Smiling Death

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Just SurvivingThe River of the Smiling Death[Realm – Avalas]Copyright © 2000 by Rex Victor

CharacterDamp, hot, silence. Round every bend and in every pond lies death. Law may rule yet pure evil abounds. Trust no one and nothing.

PowerSebek (FR Powers and Pantheons), Lord of Crocodiles and the Smiling Death. HE rules this little spot far from the more populated areas. It is also his prison since fleeing across the lower planes.

DescriptionThe River of Smiling Death is a long river that is surrounded by wetlands. It basically resembles a delta that goes nowhere, and filled with every sort of crocodile and werecrocodile. The petitioners of Sebek likewise come in the form of croc's and werecroc's. And to make life even better is the fact that one when travelling across the river; one has to deal with quicksand, annoying insects and pure waves of rolling heat.

Principal TownsOnly one town exists by the name of Sebekakhnt. A small town situated in the center of the River, the town is built all on heavy iron stilts in an attempt to ward off vengeful croc's. It also contains a gate to the Old Empire's Region of Faerun on Toril and a gate to the city of Raakht on the Prime world of Ter-Nov.

Special ConditionsOnly one major condition exists. Any traveler bitten by a croc in the River has a 75% chance of developing lycanthropy (werecroc). Also those who do become werecroc's cannot leave the realm unless the lycanthropy is removed. Yet all werecroc's in the realm can change from at any time. Also, if one begins to become a werecroc, their alignment begins to move to NE one step each week. And when one becomes LE or CE they have a 50% chance of only worshipping Sebek. At NE one a 90% chance. This is negated once one begins to worship Sebek and their alignment stays at either LE or CE when they begin to worship the Smiling Death.

Principal Non-Player CharactersGal Rty (Px/male werecrocodile/P12/LE) rules the town of Sebekakhnt with an iron fist. He delegates who or what is to be given in sacrifice to Sebek. Erika-the-Silent (Pl/female human/P15/MercyKiller/NE) constantly moves thru the River, searching for those who do not worship Sebek. Feared by all including the croc's many have fallen to her charms and become croc food.

ServicesThe only redeeming factor of the River is that fact that the croc hides when stretched and tanned gain AC 3. It is flexible and yet can retain its shape. The downside is that for every hide that leaves the River, Sebek demands something back in return.

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