The Price of Loyalty

Emperor Xan's picture
Just SurvivingThe Price of LoyaltyCopyright © 2000 by Emperor Xan (Zhextyl)

Department of HumanitiesPsychology/Sociology Section

For: Chief EngineerSubject:: Mercenaries, units for hire.

Sometimes it's to a commander's advantage to purchase the talents of mercenary troops. The advantages reach beyond the obvious. Mercenary troops not only increase the number of troops at a commander's disposal, but they allow the commander to conserve troops.

Mercenary troops have an advantage over the core components of a unit. The most useful aspect of the mercenary is the lack of uniform. This allows the commander to use them to attack rival units under the cloak of the mercenary units. The mercenary units serve to distract the rivals and sent them to wonder who is paying the mercenaries. Mercenary units also serve as a buffer between an army and their rival. The reason is obvious, the actual tasks they're performing aren't.

Mercenary units have the advantage of working for whomever they choose. They set their prices for service. However, not all mercenary units can be trusted. There are mercenary units who will betray their employers for the right price. It's entirely possible that the mercenaries are really members of a rival unit who are working as spies. The beauty of these actions comes from the act of the ruse and the payment of funds to betray their "employer".

Mercenary units also have their drawbacks. They normally roam Acheron in search of work. Very few mercenary companies have a base of operations. Those who do don't advertise such facts. Mercenary companies aren't treated with much respect due to those who are known to sell their skills to the highest price whether commissioned or not. If a mercenary company's base is found, they best clear out before an army comes looking for them. Armies they've fought against definitely have a vested interest in the whereabouts of said companies.

Being a sell-sword is a lucrative occupation, but at the same time, it is a very dangerous one. Only the brave and foolish need apply. However, they must prove they are skilled enough and strong enough to prove they are competent warriors.

Calix Arvandus, Shaper 2.

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